Richard Grant

Jesus fucking christ. “Queerbaiting” refers to the homophobic act of putting in queer subtext to lure in queer viewers (or give hetero women fetishistic gay ships to obsess over) while considering the suggested relationship to NOT be canon, and definitely never actually reifying it, and it’s almost exclusively done

oh I’m fine if he wants to paint his nails etc even if he’s straight, I think it’s just a double standard that when queer people do it they often face discrimination for it. It’s a complicated topic, that I don’t think there’s necessarily a right or wrong way to feel about it. but dudes on tiktok presenting as queer

He has the courage to paint his nails and sometimes wear the ugliest clothes you’ve ever seen, and that’s supposed to somehow translate into challenging our conceptions of gender and sexuality... okay, Harry.

sort of the same sentiment that it’s total queer baiting at this point, or not so different than the straight tik tok boys painting their nails for virtue points and for their own gain. My queer spidey sense feels like something is off and so do a lot of my queer friends (anecdotal I know). And no he doesn’t have to

I think he’s totally straight and he’s just putting the whole thing on for cool points, like Bowie

idk ya’ll, Styles feels truly style no substance. The way he talks about sexuality and gender is always so snoozy, and I never know if he’s speaking to his actual values or just what’s going to sell the most.

I think Heard herself said it best: “He’s a beloved character and people feel they know him. He’s a fantastic actor.”

He’s at the acting stage now where the persona he’s created is just an extension of his own personality—or at least, the only personality he reveals to the world—some charming hybrid version of himself

The only time I have ever heard someone use the term “crocodile tears” is when shitty parents don’t want to acknowledge their children are actual hurt.

Yeah a man found a woman crying uncomfortable!! The shock!!

I think you might be under the impression that the system we have for meting out justice in American society is a fundamentally good one, and I’m afraid to say that you’d be utterly wrong. It’s utterly facile on the face of it, demonstrably so in this case alone, to say nothing of the thousands of other miscarriages

oh my god THIS ALL DAY. Came down here to say this very thing. This is exactly the problem with a case like this being tried to a jury. This juror (and, I’m sure, the others) viewed their role as determining whether Heard “proved” that she was abused. But that’s not what was at issue! DEPP had to prove that the WaPo

If I ever did, I certainly wouldn’t conflate my reaction to someone else’s expressions with “following the evidence,” as this guy did. You aren’t following the evidence if you’re trusting your gut reaction on how trustworthy someone appears.

Also, she didn’t have to prove anything.  HE had to prove that she was lying.  The fact a juror in the case didn’t understand this is maddening.

Nice of the jury to get in on the victim blaming.

“What I think is truthful is that they were both abusive to each other,” he says. “I don’t think that makes either of them right or wrong… but to rise to the level of what she was claiming, there wasn’t enough or any evidence that really supported what she was saying.”

So, the cops knew that internal affairs was setting them up?

So... you’re saying... there’s some kind of connection between Glory and Ben?

To many of us his continued adulation is inexplicable, knowing what we do

You do have to admit, Mr. Hanks is a pretty smart guy. From the New York Times interview:

Pulp Fiction or Forrest Gump, it’s purely academic, because the absolute best film of that year wasn’t even nominated, and it was Three Colors: Red.