Richard Grant

might just be twitter tricking everyone, but i’m under the impression they originally announced deleted scenes on the home release and then retracted that.

It is so bizarre to scoff at the idea of reviving a dead IP, when it’s being done by a team who have found success doing exactly that.

This article feels like it was written by some sort of random word generating algorithm.

Sending all the “Please don’t suck” prayers I can to this production

The central joke of the meme is that Morbius is a bad movie that no one gives a fuck about, so it’s funny to pretend that it’s good movie that people care about.

Quite a lot of the timeframes in ANH that were hinted at just don’t make sense with the prequels. They more hint at the Empire being around for about 40+ years rather than about 20ish.

You frankly have to just ignore it.

This is 10 years out from New Hope, that still counts as a few!  And hey if this is the last time they run into each other it could be “Well, last time you ran into him you force dragged him over jagged flaming glass, he’s probably dead.”

That’s fair (though I think it’s worth acknowledging that Luke being jaded and hopeless was one of the few things they kept from Lucas’ original treatment, which Rian inherited from JJ because JJ “didn’t know what to do with Luke”).  It works for me, but to each their own.  I can see how everything Kenobi’s been

That Obi-Wan was hiding out and not doing a lot of good deeds is canon, though. Frankly, it’s making him seem far less jaded that he is doing occasional stuff.

You’ve got to know this, but it sounds like you’re saying you didn’t like that Luke exiled himself and “now” Obi-Wan is too... Obi-Wan and Yoda gave up long before Luke did.

This is great for Timberlake, but, this is probably the first sign in that music publishing bubble popping.

The show has nothing on actual Norse mythology like the time Loki gave birth to an 8 legged horse (Sleipnir) and how that happened.

Oh c’mon. Just agree. He’s right and you know it. You didn’t open any damn doors and it’s absolute bullshit to pretend this was some bold move that empowered anybody.

be a bit more empathetic

the funniest outcome possible for this is netflix trying to generate more money by releasing movies theatrically and that being their new revenue stream.

Looking forward to this but only commenting to echo that yes, Logan Lucky, more people need to appreciate that movie. 


Mortensen was noting that no one uses the word anymore, unlike in the time The Green Book was set, and in process of making that point said the actual word instead of saying “the n-word.” He then apologized pretty strongly for it. Mahershala Ali, asked about the incident, was unequivocal that it was wrong, but also