Richard Grant

It’s specifically credited as ‘based on a new original story by JK Rowling, John Tiffany & Jack Thorne’ on the front cover.

He did- it’s why I found the talk about Eternals having Marvel’s ‘first sex scene’ odd...they had one in the first 30 mins of their first movie!

The questionable continuity was already destroyed by Casino Royale when they made the choice to reboot the franchise and start out with Bond as a rookie...and then further reinforced by the introduction of Spectre and Blofeld in the film Spectre. This meant the Craig films couldn’t be seen as modern prequels to the

One of the things that surprised me about ZS Justice League were the moments that I would’ve assumed came from Whedon’s reshoots...but actually were part of the Snyder Cut. (Things like Bruce buying the bank. The ‘I’m rich’ exchange with Barry.)

I wouldn’t treat that as a particularly reliable metric, especially as we know that the Snyder fans ran regular campaigns to get JL/ Snyder hashtags on twitter trending.

The thing is- if you’re in a band, you need to compromise. The moment you bring a song into the band, it stops being only ‘yours’ and becomes the bands song. It’s meant to be a collaboration where the other members get their input in the arrangements.

Now playing

He’s sung abit with Harrison, so we know how their voices worked together. (And from that you could also imagine how Dylan might have fit in with the Beatle harmonies.)

We weren’t- The Beatles had already recorded a version of Let it Be during the White Album sessions.

I’m fine with that honestly. I feel as long as he has stories he feels like directing, why not direct? And always thought it a bit weird that he would want to stop at only 10 films.
If Scorsese had finished after 10 movies, because it was a nice clean number, we would have missed out on Last Temptation of Christ,

The real kicker for me was that they announced the cancellation right after the show had won an Emmy. It felt very much like they didn’t want a cancellation announcement to ruin its awards chances, and waited until afterwards so they could minimise the push back and avoid any awkward acceptance speeches.

In A Writer’s Tale RTD does state the list of writers he lets do their own final passes on scripts (which I believe also included Toby Whithouse, and possibly Chibnall. A big part of it was these were writers who had run their own shows prior to Doctor Who so RTD was confident in their ability to do a final pass

He was on a relative leash though- his stories still had to fit into a broader series arc, rather than him being in control of the whole series, and some of his stories under RTD came from pitches RTD developed rather than being wholesale Moffat originals.

She’s been fairly transphobic for a number of year now, she’s been supportive of the ‘New Labour’ movement and critical of Labour moving too far to the left. She’s opposed the cultural boycott of Israel. She supported both Hillary Clinton and Obama in 2008 and described them both as great options to be president.

Nobody wanted a podracer.”

Except we know she didn’t single handily invent the third act. Most of the footage from the third act was already shot when she gave her input. What she suggested was the Trench Run attack needed to be happening while the Death Star was about to attack the Rebel base.
The Trench-Run attack was already written- she

“For me, all the proof of Nolan being entirely simpatico with Snyder’s shit (beyond, y’know, choosing Snyder to direct his script)”

But it wasn’t his script. It was Goyer’s script. Nolan is credited with Goyer for story but he isn’t credited with the actual screenplay and there is a substantial difference between the

Well we know one of the biggest problems people had with MOS- Superman killing Zod- came directly from Snyder and Nolan fought against that call. So I’m hesitant to fault Nolan too much for the film, because ultimately it was a Snyder directed film and Nolan only has a ‘story by’ credit for the film.
I’m inclined to

It’s always interesting to me hearing people had these issues with Tenet, because other than the catamaran scene I didn’t really have much trouble with hearing the dialogue. Like it certainly wasn’t mixed well, but when I saw Tenet I could still pick up on most of the dialogue and followed what was going on.

Regular’ part of the experience isn’t the same as something being ‘inherent’ to the experience.
I feel it must be something that varies from country to country- because here in Australia issues in cinemas have been mild at best. (So far I’ve never had a film be interrupted by people going on their phones and while

I feel radical is over stating- the films have gone through eras of following the books closely or throwing them out completely.
The first four films are fairly close adaptations, as is OHMSS. Then we get points later on when the films want to get a little more grounded and they tend to line-up with when they go back