Richard Grant

The climactic gun fight was set in a collapsing house in Venice, so I think you’re underselling it a bit. It’s bigger in scale than the climax of From Russia With Love for instance.
And if the argument is that the Dalton films are still globe-trotting adventures- Casino still has Bond jump from Madagascar to the

Not disagreeing with your overall point- but that was basically the plot of Casino Royale the novel.
To me the Bourne influence was seen more in the visual style choices and action set-pieces (the Parkour chase and having Bond be increasingly bruised throughout the movie from each successive action scene.) The choice

This news hurts. Charlie was always my favourite drummer. He had a tasteful elegance, and when every drummer in rock music seemed to go for bigger and bigger kits his was always low-key.

As funny as that is- I feel that detail was a slight embellishment on Keith’s part to build up the myth a little bit.

Yeah they definitely are involved in those decisions- and to be clear I’m not saying they are bad directors, they’re clearly very very capable directors, I just don’t think they’re ‘amazing.’
To use your example of Taika- Ragnarok being messy around the edges is part of the appeal of it to me, and shows that it was

But that’s the thing. Should they be getting that much credit for the action in their Marvel films? From my understanding the action in their films is still mostly done by the second unit- and to me it still fits within the Marvel house style.

“but their super power is tying plot to character, and when it matters meaning subverting expectations and tropes.”

They didn’t write the scripts for their films though.
I’m sure they were involved in the scripting process for their films to an extent- but given they weren’t given scripting credits on any of their

The problem with that comparison is that the Bond films were made over a sixty year period and the MCU was done over a ten year period.
So to talk about Bond films not holding up in the same way as the MCU films feels like an awkward comparison at this stage.
What action films from sixties do hold-up other than Bond?

Hot take- I don’t think the Russo brothers are that amazing as directors, and feel why they worked for Marvel is they are good company men.
With their Marvel films I don’t see anything that distinct or interesting in their direction that really makes the films standout. The power of their Marvel films comes from the

According to fan sites after the tour in the UK, Dylan went to Portugal with his fiance Sara for two weeks before returning to the UK and then doing some recording for the BBC on June 1st. He then flew back to the US on June 2nd and was (supposedly) not in the US for all of May 1965.

I’m not saying more evidence won’t

I agree with this completely, the more or less straight historical story was what made the episode work. But I don’t think the episode would be necessarily improved as just a pure historical story. The sci-fi framing, and having Yaz engage with her own family history do add something to the emotion of the story.

Oh I agree 100%, AI scores should be taken with a grain of salt. Just given the commenter I was replying to was suggesting that Capaldi’s era had good AI scores, I thought it worth asking good compared to what?
(They were better than the current eras, but still a noticeable step-down from the previous two Doctors.)

And this is where things are all relative. I like S9, and feel it was a step-up after S8 but for me ‘as good as the show has ever been’ would be more like S1, S4 or S5.
The effects and visual style of S1 have noticeably aged because its over 15 years old at this point, but its the best written of any series of the

What makes Demons of Punjab not Doctor Who?

This is a case where it’s important to look at things relatively-
Capaldi’s Seasons never had an AI score above 85. (And he only ever had 4 episodes hit 85.)
In Smith’s run he only ever had 6 episodes that went below 85 in AIs. (And only two episodes below 84.)
Tennant had 7 episodes below 85 in AIs...but none below 85

Agreed it’s got some of the aesthetic qualities of a spy film and a political thriller...but that’s all it is really, a bit of a surface layer that doesn’t really go any deeper.

Agreed. It really felt to me like the script needed another pass to iron out some of the concepts and connective tissues, alongside some dialogue punching up.
Like there’s so much in the movie that should make it work (the cast, the concept, the fights) but the script just felt like it was at that draft stage where

It is.

I think the issues seemed to come about after Carrie Fisher’s death. By the sounds of it, they went back to the drawing board on his script and couldn’t agree on a direction. Disney wanted to bring in Jack Thorne to help polish Trevorrow’s script/ fix the story, but Trevorrow wanted to keep working with his writing

Oh I agree 100%.