Richard Grant

Nah I’m with you...They really don’t look that alike to me, and nothing I’ve seen Sebastian Stan in has made me think ‘this guy should be Luke Skywalker.’

Agreed this is why I actually kinda feel comics (DC/Marvel in particular) should abandon the idea of continuity and just focus on telling good stories.
Having connected universes with their own continuities works fine for a couple of years- but the longer it goes on/ the more convoluted it all gets, the more I feel

This is one of the things I don’t like about how the MCU has developed- or rather the expectations around it sometimes.
Because it’s a big shared universe and they like talking up how connected it is, there are chunks in the fandom that almost feel like this is the only thing that really matters in the MCU stories. So

He signed a deal with Netflix for a live special around the same time as Dolemite. In late 2019 he was talking about how he was going to spend 2020 doing club shows to prepare for the special....then 2020 happened.

I can believe he produced a script they didn’t like...the scenario I just don’t see happening is him producing a script they don’t like, they throw out the script and bring in another writer to write the script from scratch without credit, but they keep Whedon on to direct the film.

Gone With The Wind was a prestige spectacle film that was made to be abit of an event, with an eye for awards as well as audience enjoyment.

I love the Marvel films but I find this idea that they make political thrillers/ Shakesperean dramas/ monster movies to be a stretch....they’re all action films.

The Hawkeye house stuff is from the second film though, not the first. (And I’d argue is some of the strongest parts of Age of Ultron.)

And by and large the films made directly for streamers that are made by established directors also get some form of theatrical release, because they consider that an essential part of the film experience.

He’s also got the Martin Scorsese World Cinema Project that champions international films, and there have been stories from directors like Edgar Wright where Marty would reach out and compliment their films. So it’s not just one letter.

I’m gonna have to challenge this abit, because one of my issues with tent-pole comic book movies is the general lack of diversity there has been. (Although it has improved in recent years.)

...He’s not opposed to new cinema? He sent Bong Joon Ho a letter praising Parasite after it’s Oscar win and asked him not to rest too long because he looking forward to seeing what Bong made next.

It kinda is though? Just look at the push back from all the filmmakers when Warner Bros announced that all their films would be doing the simultaneous release on HBO Max. I’d be shocked if you found a filmmaker who didn’t want their film to be shown in theaters.

I think fair enough, Buffy probably just isn’t your thing. But as a fan of a lot of those shows, I’d still put Buffy on the level or better than most of those shows.

Ok, genuine curiosity- what shows would you say do what did with Buffy MUCH better than Buffy did it?

The thing is- the Army of the Dead was a lot less of a deus ex machina in the books. They never came to Pelennor Fields, and their main involvement was helping to strike terror into the Corsair’s and providing Aragorn with an alternative path to Minas Tirith and an oppurutnity to recruit the men of Southern Gondor to

She talked about the Connery thing at the AFI tribute awards to Connery and said that she had always had a crush on him so she felt no issue playing his love interest.

She said she took the issue to higher-ups and they resolved it at the time, so doesn’t necessarily mean she reported him to the studio but it is possible. (Or by higher ups she meant Geoff Johns.)

“I say ‘ironically’ because the Wonder Woman movie that everyone loves so much was actually penned by Snyder (among others.)”

Yup 100% feel given the timing there must have been some connection, but given the only one making the claim that Whedon was fired as a result of the investigation is Fisher we do have to make some guess work.