Richard Grant

Not exactly: Smith had two specials that aired the same year as series 7b. (One was the 50th and one was the Christmas special/ his farewell.)

Man of Steel underperformed against the studio expectations. (Which it should be clarified were fairly unreasonable.)

The official quote was just that the investigation had completed and that remedial action had been taken. It was deliberately vague enough that we can’t really say the investigation found the allegations credible. (We can infer that, but it’s still very vague about how accurate the allegations were.)

I might not be getting all the details correct, but it went along the lines of this:

...See reading the interview and the quote I think that’s exactly what he’s musing about: a hypothetical dark Batman movie he would make.

It feels kinda appropriate that only a couple of days ago there was an article about Patty Jenkins saying that the characters in theatrical cut were almost unrecognizable...and today we find out that Batman is gonna say fuck in the Synder cut.

So Zack Snyder posting a photo implying that he had a completed directors cut is just semantics?
And while plenty of people knew that the finished Snyder cut did not exist, there was a sizeable chunk of the #releasethesnydercut group that claimed the film was finished.

I feel you’re misrepresenting his quotes about Batman as well slightly.

That’s not true about Zack Snyder. Among other posts he did on vero during the two years following the Theatrical Cut of the film was post this photo of film canisters labelled ‘ZS JL: Directors Cut’ with the words ‘Is it Real? Does It Exist? Of Course It Does.’ Super imposed over the top of it.

...Which wouldn’t really be in keeping with the ‘Accountability > Entertainment' line hes been pushing.

James Masters has also talked about how much he loved working with Whedon and respected him as a creator. In that same anecdote where he talks about Whedon being frustrated about the situation with Spike, Masters said Whedon handled that situation better than Masters would’ve personally handled it.

So in other words there wasn’t a finished Snyder cut? If your movie is missing all the effects shots, needs sound editing and additional footage needs to be shot it isn’t a finished cut of the film.

(Because the release the Snyder cut movement claimed that Snyder had a cut of the film that needed to be released- not

It’s been reported that it sold over 100 million copies before the release of Peter Jackson’s films (with estimates that sales topped 150 million after the films came out.)

I can believe that, hes also talked about having surgery semi recently, so it's very likely that this was causing a huge strain on his physical and mental health.

I’m honestly sad to hear he’s stepped down.

Also given how his new records almost always get Grammy noms, it’s surprising that this one didn’t. (His Frank Sinatra cover albums got nominated for Grammys, and you’d be hard placed to find anyone who ranked them with the best of his work. Meanwhile this album was talked about as an outside contender for an album of

Actually Warner Bros do appear to own the film and video-game rights to the Franchise and have trademarks on the Harry Potter brand and a joint trademark with Rowling on ‘JK Rowling’s Wizarding World.’

Im definetly not suggesting that Sophia Crawfords work was negligible, as I said just about everytime they cut to a wide shot it is very clear that it’s not SMG doing the stunt work. I’m not arguing SMG did most of her own stunts, she clearly didnt. I just said Jeff Pruitt went to far in the other direction suggesting

The other side of this is Pruitt seemed to really dimish the stunt work that SMG did do. In interviews hes said she barely did anything, made fun of how she runs and questioned if she had ever had martial arts training like she claimed.

Him being a hypocrite, doesn’t necessarily invalidate his points. (And with Watchmen and his early work, I do think he’s entitled to have a different opinion 30 years later based on his experiences making those works given peoples views don’t remain stagnant.)