Richard Grant

I don’t?
Just looking at Marvel the narrative threads between the films aren’t exactly these intricate pieces that are difficult to follow?
The films are essentially stand-alone, with each film giving you the information it needs to enjoy it without being confused and most of the connected aspects acting as easter-eggs

I agree, I enjoy the work. To clarify my issue is more when you seem to have people that refuses to acknowledge the adolescent aspect of the characters/ works.

He said he tried watching a few of them, and they just weren’t what he was interested in. Which I think is fair enough.
And I agree with his ‘not cinema’ point, and feel it comes down to what you consider cinema. Because to me there is a difference between ‘cinema’ and ‘movies.’ Not all movies are going to be cinema.

I don’t think superheroes are inherently infantile- but I do think there’s something inherently adolescent about them. By their very nature they’re built on the idea of good vs evil where the hero puts on a costume then goes off to fight the villain.

Eh, as someone who has watched most of the recent comic book movie output I don’t think anything he’s is wrong...or that he would suddenly change his mind by watching the films.
He can talk about the impact the films have had on pop-culture without having watched them, because it’s quite clear with all the focus on

Except Scorsese’s point wasn’t that they were ‘bad’, more that they were fine as entertainment but as they’d become the dominant force in film studios were becoming more conservative in making non-franchise films that were more character based.

Seeing as Casino Royale and Skyfall are generally considered to be modern classics, I’d say that the Craig era has already surpassed that mark of being ‘half as good as the Dark Knight trilogy.’

The forgiveness came years before he made the first Avengers film, back when he was known as ‘that guy who did Buffy and those other shows that got cancelled’, so I’m inclined to believe the forgiveness was genuine on her part.

The other thing with the Charisma Carpenter situation I think is worth noting, is that she did forgive him for what happened and has said she’d want to work with him again.

What’s peculiar about that ‘gag’ is the way Whedon tells the story, the shot in Ultron came about from Mark Ruffalo in rehearsals. (And Scarlett seemed to be onboard with this shot.)
So I don’t understand, if he didn’t even come up with the gag, why was he so keen to use it again?

To me I guess, it kinda ties into if the band are still active creatively (and that can be messy.)

Just gotta give abit of an RTD defence, as I feel he delivered a classic more than occasionally!

I’m not expecting there to be another season, but I’d faith that if it did happen it would be amazing.

It’s a general rule, but if you’re at nearly half that measurement (1 page = 2 mins screen time) it’s probably a good guide that your script is too sparse in places, and the pacing is going to be off in the final product.

‘they need to be about a page a minute.’

Roma got a fairly solid limited release, including international markets. As far as low budget films it was a pretty solid release.

Plus it’s not like Smith is making these billion dollar blockbusters and pushing her as the lead to make her an A-lister. His films have always had abit of that ‘get all my friends and family in to help me’ vibe (cause that’s how he started.) So it makes sense that his films would feature his daughter once she took an

‘Oh Darren is going away for a long long time’

She confirmed the song was a leftover from the Tell Me How You Really Feel sessions, so I think we’re still awhile away from a new album as she’s been pretty busy touring her last album since its release.

You do realize that there was a vocal subset of Queen fans that used to insist that Freddie was straight? (Before his death.)
Or that the ‘I Want to Break Free’ video was banned on US broadcasters because of the queer connotations attatched to drag.
(And when they performed the song in Rio Freddie even got booed by