Richard Grant

I know that’s what Gunn said- but the fact that her credit was a ‘screenplay by’ credit and not just ‘story by’ means that definetly a chunk of her script is still in the final film. Because if none of her script had made the film it’d be like Zack Penn with the original Avengers, where Whedon did a page one re-write

Worth pointing out that Abbi Jacobson is openly bisexual so if you’re going to claim they’re appropriating LGBTQ styles/ exploiting LGBTQ people for laughs, you should acknowledge that she is part of the LGBTQ community.

The other thing to ad to that with BvS is that it had a huge drop after the opening weekend. It had a 69% drop in its second weekend, only made $50 million in it’s second weekend and kept dropping each weekend. And that’s a big part of why it is considered a failure, it had the type of opening weekend that should’ve

This was one of the things that impressed me about Civil War. At this point RDJ could easily just treat Tony Stark/ Iron Man as a pay cheque job and not really commit...but he really does seem to be taking the role seriously and putting in a great performance.

I mean you could argue it, but the answer is pretty definitively ‘no it’s not a code name’ as the films make it pretty clear that he was intended to be the same character and give no evidence to support the claim that it is just a code name.

Plus Roma had a fairly solid theatrical run and got an international release! (Which isn’t always the case with some Oscar films.)

Here in Australia we have theatre’s that are doing screenings of Roma this week cause of the Oscars, so I honestly feel Netflix did a reasonable job of giving people the oppurtunity to see

And even then Roma actually had a reasonable cinematic run- in addition to it’s domestic release it got a release in some international markets and there are some theatre’s here in Australia that are doing showings of it again this week cause of the Oscars. Netflix definetly went beyond the minimum ‘screen for one

The villain in all 3 was Blofeld, albiet played by different actors in each one. All the 60's movies (except Goldfinger) are kind conntected and tell a loose story-arc, as they’re about Bond going up against Spectre and the stakes becomming gradually more personal.

Or if you’ve already explained how Vision is not worthy to lift Thor’s hammer you could always just copy and paste the explanation, instead of not answering my question?
Cause I’ve read through this thread, and you haven’t offered an explanation for why Vision shouldn’t be able to lift the hammer...so if you’ve

So just for the record then- you really don’t have an explanation for why Vision is unworthy. Like it’s as simple as that, if you’re really going out of your way this much to avoid answering a simple question, I’m just going to take it as you don’t really have an answer.

(puts hands up.)
I was predicting an Olivia Colman win. Like maybe it was because I’m a big fan and really wanted her to win, but she had won a few of the big awards in the lead up to the Oscars and just from what I could see there was more buzz about her performance.

That’s not an answer. What in particular makes Vision unworthy of lifting the hammer? (And don’t assume I don’t have a knowledge of the history of the characters, I do...and as far as I know, while Vision hasn’t ever lifted the hammer in the comics there hasn’t been anything specifically about him being unworthy of

But why shouldn’t Vision have been able to lift it? Like what actual explanation is there for why Vision wouldn’t be worthy to lift the hammer?

But the shared song-writing and collaborative nature of it all is exactly why I’m not a fan of them using the Queen name when they’re missing half the band. If it was something like Brian May was the bands primary songwriter and he was continuing to perform and record new music under the Queen name, I wouldn’t have as

...Rest of the band minus John Deacon? Like I agree Queen was very much the sum of its parts, and half of that is missing from the current version of Queen. So that’s where I take abit of an issue with the ‘it’s still Queen without Freddie mindset’ as Deacon’s bass parts, and Freddie’s vocals/ piano parts, were

...Which is why he didn’t have a scene with Falcon talking to Cap about searching for Bucky, and he also didn’t have a scene where Rhodey shows up with no introduction and everyone knows who he is, or have Stark reference retiring from being Iron Man.

I’ll challenge the bit about needing a ‘real’ director to come in and give his ideas life, and say he’s just someone whose storytelling instincts are better suited too television.

Jarvis didn’t see that scene at the party though, because he had already been ‘killed’ by Ultron. (Nerdy nitpick, sorry :P. But as Vision has abit of Ultron in him, he still probably saw the scene play out.)

Except Whedon’s actually he said that he kept the Cap lifting moment ambiguous for the audience, but in his view Cap could’ve lifted it but chose not too when he felt it move. So I wouldn’t say Whedon argues that Vision is more worthy than Cap, because when actually discussing that moment he has said the opposite.

Nothing against him playing the songs he wrote...just would prefer if he didn’t tour as ‘Queen’ when they’re missing half the band. Go and tour as ‘May & Taylor of Queen’ if they want to keep on performing. It’s like Angus Young going out and playing as AC/DC with Axl Rose on vocals