Richard Grant

Cumberbatch came out and denied those comments about Elementary- saying that he was misquoted and what he said was that he would’ve preferred not to be in a situation where they are compared, because they are friends. But also that he wishes Miller the best with the role, and that they’d talked about it and Miller had

I once read Heart of Darkness in a day...which was a stuggle. My brother and I made plans to watch Apocalypse Now that evening, and having never read Heart of Darkness (and seeing how short it was) I decided to spend the day reading the novel to prepare for the film....I got through it, but it was so dense that it

The one thing that lets Goldeneye down, and why I can never consider it the best Bond film, is the music. While the percussive version of the Bond theme is quite good, the synth horns really let it down. Plus the porn guitar during the car chase with Xenia is one of the low points in Bond sound track history.

The thing that makes me slightly dubious about the claim is that Aquaman’s filming and the Justice League reshoots were being done co-currently. Aquaman started filming on May 2nd 2017, wheras it was announced on May 22nd 2017 that Joss Whedon would be taking over production of JL and overseeing reshoots which began

To me they don’t seem to be. And part of that is just the lack of bravado they seem to have. Like if they went full Steel Panther, I’d believe that they were doing this as abit of a performance bit. Instead they just seem like a bunch of kids that are trying to be Led Zeppelin/ play 70's style hard rock.

I mean the Strokes mainly wore jeans, t-shirts and leather jackets from what I’ve seen? Like you can see the classic rock aesthetic in their fashion choices, but the clothing was still generic enough to not be tied down to one era. Greta Van Fleet’s outfits on the other hand are much more blatant in ripping off the

This is something else that’s really bothered me about them- their look just looks like they dressed up in costumes to re-enact being ‘60/70's rock stars.’ The outfits seemed designed around making them lookauthentically’ classic rock...which just ends up making them look even more manufactered.

They did a four song set- two of their own and two Soundgarden. I agree that it’s weird they did it, but the article kinda overstated it abit. (While also not mentioning that Foo Fighters also did Everlong as part of their mini-set.) So it’s not like Metallica was the only band to play some of their own material.

Cap has enhanced strength though, Black Widow doesn’t. And Glaive isn’t human sized, he’s noticeably larger. So it’s not quite the same thing as if Widow had done this to the Hulk, but it’s still approaching that to me. (And I mentioned enhanced strength, because generally in comic book movies it makes characters less

Vision only tells Wanda to leave at the very end of the fight, and him being very hurt at the end of the fight seems to be a result of getting his light blast reflected into himself earlier on in the fight. (Which may also be why he needed help walking in the next scene.) Prior to that after getting repaired by Wanda

Vision’s wounded at the start of the fight, but then after Wanda heals him he seems to be doing alright and starts actively taking part in the fight. And the Cap/ Falcon/ Widow explanation would work if they also had Wanda help finish off the Black Order or something but instead they come in and take them out in all

Yeah not blaming him for the project not happening- a huge thing with Mallrats did seem to be that he doesn’t own the rights and couldn’t get the studio on board for a sequel or TV series (which must be incredibly frustrating when you want to make something with characters you created and the studio says no.) But it

I agree about the sturcture being applicable to television, but part of the success of Marvel in a way is that they pulled off this structure in films.

“I just got to make some character connections. The structure of the thing was really tight and I loved it, but there were a couple of opportunities to find his voice a little bit —and some of the other characters’ — and make the connections so that you understood exactly why he wanted to be who he wanted to be.

I do agree with you- but Nolan has said that he would definetly have included Ledger in DKR if he had still been alive, so I’m taking him at his word. I do think we would have got a very different final film, because Nolan only went about thinking about his third film after he had finished Dark Knight.

One thing that bothers me about the Cap scene- as much as I enjoy it- Vision and Scarlet Witch are probably the two most powerful Avengers...and they are saved by three humans (one who is enhanced- Cap, but the other two are only regular humans with guns.) As cool as that moment was, the way the three of them easily

I actually prefer the version from Age of Ultron. They’re almost identical- except the AoU version has red and white bits on his arms around the bicep. Wheras the Civil War version just has blue arms on the costume. And I just think the white and red help break up the colour abit and keeps the classic comic look,

One of the things that makes me cautious about calling Trek a ‘cinematic universe’ is most of the connected things you’re talking about occured on television, not in cinema.

I don’t see how that’s a party always bothered me because it is an obvious Whedon line where the delivery just didn’t sell it at all. (Whether or not it suits the character, Scarlett did deliver the Whedon line better in Age of Ultron.)

‘Whedon inherited a setup accomplished in part by far superior directors’....I’d note that he literally hand-waved away the setup of those two directors when he introduced Thor and Iron Man in The Avengers. Iron Man 2 ended with Tony Stark considered unfit to join the Avengers, The Avengers undid that with one line of