Richard Grant

The Democratic Order of Planets? (I assume with the Fox merger, Futurama will also soon become part of the MCU.)

There wasn’t actually a plan at that point. According to what Whedon has said, he was the one who pitched the idea of having Thanos be who Loki worked for and doing the scene with Thanos at the end...with the idea it could be something to built up too. Marvel then agreed with him and gave him the thumbs up to continue.

I think part of it for me is the mix of the choice to make Paul Pretner an out and out villain (while emphasising his role in Freddie exploring his sexuality) and the choice to end in 1985, which didn’t give them really any time to show his relationship with Jim Hutton.

It started out as a straight-up sequel movie- but due to Kevin not owning the rights to Mallrats this plan morphed into a TV series. He pitched the series idea to multiple networks, but no deal came from this.

I’ll believe it when it starts filming- Kevin loves to talk about projects he has the idea for, way before everything is locked into place that will actually see it get made. He’s been talking about a Jay and Silent Bob film ever since he had to pull the plug on Clerks 3 (which he had been talking about ever since he

This season had 4 episodes that had over 8 million viewers, S8 had a grand total of 1 episode that had over 8 million viewers. So I disgree with this idea that the ratings were ‘merely on par with season 8.’ The ratings I’d say were more comparable to the ones got in the Tennant era- which is pretty good company for

The problem with comparing viewing numbers of a tv show to box-office numbers for a film, is that a film’s release lasts for months. With a tv series you can more or less judge if an episode has had a significant impact on the audience by looking at the viewing numbers before and after the episode in question....with

I’ve heard that view before, but I also think that even if that was the intended arc it misses the point of the character. He didn’t figure out what he stood for through his experiences as a hero, he got his beliefs from being raised by the Kent’s on a farm in Kansas.

I was more of Sherry Bobbins child, myself.

Agreed. One of the things I like about this is that a few years ago there were fans that were quite dismissive about Smallville when compared to the current Arrowverse. But, without commenting on the quality of either adaptation of the comics, we wouldn’t have a Arrowverse without Smallville! Smallville spent 10 years

In 2012 The Avengers- a team of Marvel B-listers managed to make $1.5 Billion (and the previous highest grossing film in the MCU hadn’t manged to cross $700 million.) So it made double what even the previous highet grossing film in its series had made to that point.

The US and UK Tv industries have different production styles- and one of the biggest differences is things like overtime. Namely the BBC doesn’t have the budget for it. (One of the rumoured reasons for Eccleston’s falling out with the director of his first block of shooting is that the director wanted the crew to work

If you had said to me before this crossover that I would get nostalgic about Smallville, and the use of Remy Zero in DC crossover would be one of the highlights of a pretty good episode I would not have believed.

Well they did go back and film at the same farm- so it makes sense it would look identical!

Series 6 required a gap between half of its episodes in order to not push back the premiere air date from April. (If it hadn’t have been a split series it would’ve had to premiere a couple of months later...kinda like what is happening this year.)

And RTD goes into some detail about how getting a series of DW out every

I’ll give you the series arc bit- but still I’d say there were some convoluted stories and episodes since then. The Monk’s 3 part story last year was nothing if not convoluted.

Mine this year was Jack White. I hadn’t seen him before (live in Australia in a city that he never plays) and I was visiting a friend in LA, who suggested we spend a couple of days in Vegas.

I mean yes and no- Community did play around with genre, but there were more than a few episodes in S2 (and even S3) where the focus was still on the gang as Greendale students- Betty White as the Anthropology teacher, the one where Abed joins the gender studies class with the women in the gang etc. And the

Yeah, cause it’s not on this list I really want to give Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey a shout out. It got overshadowed by Red Dead 2 coming out a couple of weeks after it, but it is honestly my favourite game of the year.

Yeah unless there is some very specific language in the contract that stops Disney from using their own characters (which I would be shocked if Disney signed off on) they’ll be able to take over the shows.