Richard Grant

Saying this as someone that loves blockbusters, and superhero movies. I agree with the comment you’re replying to for the most part.

One of the things I wanna highlight about The Dark Knight- and one of the lessons a lot of its immitators didn’t seem to learn from it was- at times it was a very funny film. Like it’s not a quip a minute, but one of the things that really made Ledger’s performance as the Joker was how he could be funny while also

Yeah I remember hearing at least a rumour about that being the plan sometime between the release of Begins and Dark Knight. And Nolan did seem to more or less confirm that was the plan when explaining that his approach to making Dark Knight was not to hold anything back- so choosing to incorporate Two Face into that

Stairway was never a single. However ‘Hey Jude’ by the Beatles was a single and it ran at 7 minutes (and topped both the UK and US charts.)

While I think it is true for 11's bow-tie, it isn’t actually true for 10's suit.

...I remember the lead up to Dark Knight and his death very much loomed over the film in the lead up to its release. The first theatrical trailer for the film had already been released and fans were intrigued by the direction he appeared to be taking for the character.

The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus was released in Oct 2009- around 18 months after his death and after he had won the Oscar for The Dark Knight. Dark Knight on the other hand was released within 6 months of his death and was the focus of alot of media related to his death.

One of the things I really don’t like about the Sandman subplot- is that by making Sandman Uncle Ben’s killer it retrospectively weakens the opening of Raimi’s first Spidey film.

I’d technically give it to the Hobbit- in Dec 2007 when it was first announced that Peter Jackson would be writing and producing the Hobbit for New Line, they announced they were doing two Hobbit films rather than one.

That’s still a big pretty hypothetical for Iron Man...especially because while it didn’t take as much as The Dark Knight did at the box office, it did have a simillar critical reception. (Both were pretty close to universally acclaimed.)

For me his parts in Age of Adeline make me think ‘this guy is doing an alright Harrison Ford impersonation’ it never gets passed point of feeling like a performance...which makes sense given the screentime.

His resume is mostly just shorts though, even after getting the role of Age of Adaline- his best booking since then is the Tell Tale Batman games as the Joker (which is pretty impressive), but he hasn’t done any further feature roles.

...But I don’t think she would know the term in the first place. It’s not part of the Australian cultural lexicon at all. So it is certainly possible that she could have some American history as part of her backstory that would explain why she knows the term, but combined with the accent it just furthers serves to

And I doubt hiring Inguber would’ve made the film a box office hit, just because he looks simillar to Harrison Ford and can do a solid impersonation doesn’t mean that casual audiences would suddenly find the idea of a Han Solo movie more appealing...he’s still a no name actor.

...And Alden is a better actor. Like Anthony Ingruber does a good Ford impersonation, but he doesn’t have the screen presence or the range to be a leading man.

It’s not so much saving money as cashing in nostalgia for the original film (based specifically on the work of the writers and others.)

The article covers this briefly- animated films aren’t automatically covered by the WGA. So the protections they’d normally have aren’t in place.

I’ve heard that apparently the role of Duckie was meant to be played by Robert Downey Jr- in which case I could definetly see the original ending working better than it would’ve with Jon Cryer.

One minor nitpick I have to point out (both cause this is the AVClub and normally this show is very good about these things)- as an Australian, I don’t think anyone over here would talk about a ‘binky.’

Related to that- I really loved her line about keeping the memory of her family with her. It reminded me of the 2nd Doctor saying something simillar to Zoe in Tomb of the Cybermen.