Richard Grant

I might be wrong, but I don’t think he ever got properly diagnosed?
He talked about it during Community, saying when he heard people talking about Abed possibly having autism he started looking up the symptoms and took some online tests which suggested he was somewhere on the spectrum.

He’s not really left wing though?

That’s not quite true- Rian even said in interviews that both he and JJ had the same answer to the question of who Rey’s parents were, and Daisy Ridley says she’s known since before filming Force Awakens what the answer was (Rhian just had the option of changing it if he wanted.)

My memory of 10 for the 50th was Tennant saying he’d be interested, but no one had asked him yet.

Capaldi has been saying recently that he might not necessarily come back to the role anytime soon (saying he prefers that a Doctor’s run ends when they leave the role) so it might be a while before we hear him in any Big Finish work.

Also according to rumours this may be the last episode with a score by Murray Gold.

Australian here- just wanna let you know it’s spelt Qantas not Quantas, no ‘u’.

But this app isn’t facebook, it is meant to be a social media app for discussing Taylor and her music.

See she doesn’t have to say anything- but at this point with them using her social media app to spread their views, she is literally giving them a platform to speak on.

Except even though the films didn’t give us a lot of Palpatine backstory the original novelisation for ANH did give us some context- telling us he was a politician in the Old Republic who rose up to claim power during the Clone Wars.

They also give a tiny bit of backstory to him the original Star Wars novel (that he was a politician that rose up and seized power.)

In some ways Reputation did underperform slightly- but that’s only against her own previous standard.

...Journey’s End was never the planned end of RTD’s tenure- RTD has said in the past that the idea to make a year of specials was something he had thought of back during S2 as a way of resting the show before a new production team started, and was part of an informal agreement he had with Tennant that they would both

Exactly, but still regardless of which way you look at it the statement ‘Jurassic World is now the third-most successful film of all time’ is wrong...and that’s what bothers me, if the article is going to use the unadjusted box-office gross list as a measure of the films success it should be at least accurate.

But the point is even when not adjusting for inflation Jurassic World is currently the fourth highest grossing film of all time, not the third- it was the third highest grossing film for 6 months or so until the release of Force Awakens.

More like co-created- he was given a brief that he was to introduce a new companion to travel with the Doctor and Rose that would be a rogue time traveller going by the alias Jack Harkness, real name Jax.

‘The Avengers theme falls in the middle of an extended track’-

I was humming the theme after the movie- and that scene was a big reason why.

How about in Avengers 1 when it plays over the shot of the team together for the first time?