Richard Grant

The rumours had been around for awhile, but they had never really made the mainstream news before now (I only really remember it coming up via blog posts, comments and forums etc.)

And the recent report have accusations against her that are alittle more serious than anything I’d heard previously...so yeah I’d say the

Dylan at the 20 year point in his career put out Infidels- which at the time was seen as a return to form after some middling Christian albums...and is now looked at as an album that could’ve been one of his strongest ever...if he hadn’t have cut the best songs from the record!
(In particular Blind Willie McTell, which

You’re assuming that not saying anything is not going to lose her fans...and from what I’ve seen there have been chunks of her fandom that have said her ongoing silence about this has been the last straw and they’ll no longer be supporting her music.

I think Brainlock’s point was that was the one spoiler of the 4 that was revealed in the marketing (the 3/4's line.)

No, I don’t think she’s a white supremacist.

I think the lack of age gap is one issue- I feel like the writers on the show were trying to avoid any ‘Batman and Robin’ type implications in having a 30 something man team up with a teenager.

Yeah, and prior to Ike being removed Feige had enough sway to get Black Panther and Captain Marvel onto the slate...which hows to me that if he really wanted to push for it, he could’ve got a Black Widow movie onto the slate at some point over the last 10 years.

...Except pre-Ike and post-Ike, Feige’s answer about a Black Widow movie hasn’t changed: he’s said he’d love to make one but <insert upcoming team up movie> is happening first, and they’ll see where they’re at with the character after that.

“She can’t even get her basic facts right”...um no her basic facts are that Incas was the inspiration for Raiders, based on her own personal experience where she watched it with Spielberg as a visual reference for what he wanted for the costume.

...yes they are: his joke is how people go overboard with their phones, and he talks about their over the top hand movements are like a ‘gay french king.’

Mostly agree, but from what I’ve seen with Ford Indy does seem to be a role he seems geniunely invested in- (for a long while he was the one out of him, Lucas and Spielberg that seemed most enthusiastic about doing an Indy IV)- unlike Han Solo where he’s seemed more than ready to put that character to bed for decades.

‘I loved that movie, Young Frankenstein. Scared the hell out of me!’

She’s been shortlisted for a few genre franchise roles recently- but missed out on the role for one reason or another. (She was in the final running for Sarah Connor for Terminator Genisys...but after what a mess that film ended up being it is probably better she didn’t get the role, and she was also up for Jyn in

With Prometheus he was coming in to do a re-write based on what Ridley Scott wanted the film to be...so not trying to entirely excuse Lindelof of the faults in that film, but its not like he had complete creative control over that film and his job was to make the changes Ridley wanted.

Keith Richards and Tom Waits have done multiple songs together- Keith featured on serveral songs on Bone Machine (and co-wrote one) and on Waits’ most recent album Bad As Me.

Honestly looking back at this series, I’m actually pretty happy with the amount of Coop we ended up with.

See for me Don’t Think Twice doesn’t have that extra level of vindictiveness that Dylan could have when he’s writing a song about something/ or someone that really pissed him off.

Definetly! I’m surprised I forgot about this one...there is something incredible about the way he manages to articulate and convey that mixture of vindictiveness and raw rage in his more pissed off songs.

Dylan- Idiot Wind.
(Or Masters of War)