Richard Grant

Even if that theory is true my issue is still that we didn’t really get to spend any time with Audrey the character (especially compared to how much time we got to spend with just about every other returning character)...and also that Lynch and Frost would go to the effort of getting Sherilyn Fenn back and only give

It’ll take me awhile to properly formulate an opinion on The Return, but at this point I am dissapointed in how Audrey was used in this series.

It was so good to have Dale Cooper back again- at the start I was worried we were going to spend an episode with him in a coma and only have him wake up at the end...but then after a few minutes we were back with the old Coop!

I'm not sure if that's entirely true because Snyder has said the infamous ending scene with Zod came from him, and Nolan was against it, but Goyer and Snyder insisted that it made sense for the film.

For me Goldeneye is brought down a lot by its soundtrack- which has aged poorly and just doesn't sound like a Bond film.
(The music during the car chase between Bond and Famke Jennson sounds like it came from a low budget porno.)

In the teaser trailer for the film there is a shot of Bond and Vesper in the ocean where it looks like she may have been topless that was cut from the final film.

From what Michael G Wilson said about the contract and Craig returning- it was only an option for a fifth film.
Which means that he could have walked away from the role if he chose to, so given how reluctant he appeared to be about continuing as Bond initially it seemed possible that he could walk away….but when he

Speaking of Bobby Keys- I gotta mention his great sax solo on the Stones 'Brown Sugar'- it just elevates the song to another level.

He may have been talking about LOTR and the Hobbit/ Tolkien's mythos in general? (Depending on what the quote actually was.)
Cause when you look at the Hobbit the deaths include the novel's secondary hero and his two heirs (foreshadowed by his greed, yes, but still a change to the formula of the lost king reclaiming

Plus a Scarecrow cameos at the start of the film.
(Which I always felt would be a good way to use some of the smaller rogues in comic-book films, have them appear at the start as part of an action sequence unrelated to the rest of the plot.)

…I'd also remove the 'Sandman actually killed Uncle Ben' twist, because nothing particularly interesting is really down with the twist and all it does is retrospectively ruin part of the opening of the first film.

He was one of the first directors announced for a Marvel Studios film in 2006- but a script hadn't been written at this point and he was in the middle of making Hot Fuzz.

It's the fourth lowest grossing film of the MCU and the only MCU film released Post-Avengers to make under 600 million at the box-office, which isn't exactly a ringing endoresement.
As for it's RT score if you look at the average rating it's a 6.8/10, while the concensus acknowledges that while it provides smaller

See but to me Captain Cold's death is abit more of a grey area- because he is a Flash villain. (And from memory didn't they acknowedlge that the time anomalies the Legends were dealing with came about because of Flashpoint.)
So to me having Snart be revived via FLashpoint would be closer to how thye changed the gender

I've heard some sources on the internet saying that part of the original story plan that Goyer and Nolan made was for the middle film to be all the Joker and setting up Two-Face to wrap up the trilogy in a third film before Nolan decided to just go all in on having Two-Face in the final act of The Dark Knight.

But that's the thing, he even refused to do a cameo 3 (at one point the pitch was meant to be that he would die in the first act of the film.)
So yeah by all evidence he didn't seem interested in appearing in a Ghostbusters 3 in any capacity, whereas he was happy enough to appear in this film.

Murray was the first one to put forward the idea of doing an all-women Ghostbuster's team (suggesting Emma Stone as one of the cast) and had two extended scenes in the film…if the studio couldn't get him to do a Ghostbusters 3 how would they force him to do a cameo in this film? (So yeah I don't believe any 'rumours'

1. The studio had been trying for 20ish years to make a follow up to the originals but one of the stars (Murray) refused to take part, and after the death of one of the other stars they were left with two of the original Ghostbusters, one of the original writers and the original director was only intrerested in

She doesn't say anything about being into men (or a small group of) though, she talks about being interested in girls.

I've seen some debate about that line online and my take on it- given her other lines about 'men not being where she keeps her eyes' and the writers and actor's references to her being a lesbian, is that line was more her just trying to turn down that other student gently rather than indicating any potential interest