Richard Grant

That's true- although It's the combination of the monsters as metaphors with other structural elements that make the Buffy influence more pronounced.
(A show like the Flash doesn't really use it's fantasy elements to comment on contemporary issues in the way Supergirl does, so while they both follow a Buffy-esque

Three shows on air atm that I feel alot of Buffy's influnece in- Supergirl, Jessica Jones & Orphan Black.
All of them follow Buffy in using the genre elements of their shows to talk about bigger themes (JJ using mind control as a means of exploring consent and sexual abuse, Orphan Black using genetic engineering and

(Clarifying in advance that I'm a fan of Lost that is more or less happy with how it all worked out.)

Well going by the 'Flash disappears in Crisis' paper from the future, I'd say we culd be waiting til Season 10 before we have Crisis on Infinite Earths (of course I wouldn't put it passed the producers to do what DC does in the comics and do multiple Crisis events.)

Can we have that happen on this show? (Cause while I think Grant Gustin is great in the role, the writing and character choices are really putting me off Barry…and while Wally isn't perfect I enjoy his enthusiasm and how positive he i about being a hero, but I'm biased cause Wally was the Flash I grew up with. )

Well the company is called CatCo Media, and we've seen it has a magazine, a radio network and doe TV broadcasting…so it's possible that it does both Vanity Fair style magazines and a more serious newpapper? (But the show has been very vague about it.)

Yeah I'm kinda glad she got fired because she hasn't really done a good job growing as a journalist- she doesn't seem interested in investigating stories, she wants to write about what she feels is morally right without acknowledging her own potential biases.

Whenever Dhani Harrison sings any of George's songs there's abit of cognitive dissonance for me- because his voice is so close to George's, but just a tiny bit different…so it feels almost like you're hearing George but it doesn't quite sound right.

X-files had more of an ongoing mythology rather than season specific Big-Bads.
The whole concept of setting up a big-bad each new season that is built up over the course of the season, mixed in with stand-alone monster of the week episodes, before resolving the Big-Bad's story in the finale was something that Buffy

From what Whedon's said in the past I think he'd seen some Classic Who but was put off by how low-budget the effects and sets were. (So while it's possible he saw enough of it for it to have some influence, I'd say it was possibly more indirect rather than a direct infleunce.)

My first thought when I hear Scooby Gang now is always to Buffy, and I have to remind myself that references to the Scooby Gang are more likely references to Scooby-Doo than Buffy.

For me Blade Runner is definetly a film I enjoy more on an intellectual level- either through analysis of it's themes, or through the visual effects and cinematography- rather than a film I can sit down and enjoy on an emotional level.
(And probably enjoy thinking about and discussing the film alot more than I enjoy

She didn't have anything to do with the initial screw-up, but she is partially responsible for the correction only coming after two of LaLa Land's Producers had already done their acceptance speeches.
(As one of the only two people there who knew the actual winner- if there is a screw up with the announcing it is part

I think because while Cullian was the one who handed the wrong envelope she didn't intervene fast enough- as the producers of LaLa Land were well into their speeches by the time the correction came.
(As that is presumably considered an essential part of their job- if there is a screw up like the wrong envelope is read

'I know that's what it looks like, but my intention was always for Greedo to shoot at Han first'- George Lucas.

That's not entirely true- the base melody is the verse melody from The Last Time slowed down (of course what makes it stand out is all the arranging and embellishing that Whitaker did to it.)
And while the chorus was stolen from 'This May be the Last Time' the verses are original (so the Stones did come up with that

…See if I'd feel better about his 'compassion' for the less fortunate, if he (and his band) didn't use Tax havens to minimise the amount of Tax they pay.
It's blatantly hypocritical of him to talk about how more needs to be done to eliminate poverty, when he's happy to exploit the tax systems to help increase his own

And the reason they cared about making a Spider-Man film quickly is because if they didn't have one in production to be reeased by 2012 they would lose the film rights to the characater (and given how big a money maker Spider-man films were for them, it makes sense that wasn't an option they would consider.)

Do you have a source for the studio being behind the choice for Felicia Hardy to become the Vultress? Because I know that was part of the plan but I've never heard whether it was the studio or Raimi who made that call.
The inclusion of Venom was something the studio requested because it was what fans were demanding at

Raimi stepped down from doing Spider-Man 4 because he couldn't get a script working that he liked, and didn't want a repeat of Spider-Man 3.
Sony didn't want to get rid of Raimi, they wanted another trilogy with him and Tobey if they could get it…And while in an ideal world they could've just given Raimi more time to