Richard Grant

I think there's definetly an argument to be made as superheroes can be read as supporting a fairly conservative ideology- with Batman in particular lending himself to conservative readings.
(Rich white-man sees collapse of city- takes power into his own hands as the liberal systems of democracy are incapable of

…Well then he should have been here earlier.

I think there are moments in Season 6 that did it better than others (Giles calling out Willow for ressurecting Buffy being one of them.)
I definetly agreee they could have done a better job with it overall, but I wonder if some of the problems might have been a result of the writers trying to avoid highlighting the

To me where the metaphor worked best was when it was more about Willow being addicted to power and control- which was something that had been hinted at throughout the series….so it was less about 'magic is evil' and more 'just because you can do something, doesn't mean it's necessarily the best choice for everyone.'

I'm glad to find that I'm not the only one who still remembers the legendary Los Hermanos Numeros, and their battle with the Devil's Robot.

'Down in the Hole' will forever belong to The Wire, all versions (whether they were used in the show or not.)

Which is somewhat ironic given the Wonder Woman film actually made more money than any of the Batman animated titles (expcet for the Batman: Gotham Knight tie-in to the Nolan films and the first Superman/ Batman crossover film.)

Her claiming to warn him about not release the song because of it's misogynisitc message, when evidence suggests otherwise is pretty significant…which is prmarily where I take issue with how her and her PR team have re-written the narrative.
(Because i can certainly believe that she heard a lyric along the lines of 'I

It may just be the sources I've seen reporting today, but when seeing the release quoted I haven't seen that line just-
“Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his
single ‘Famous’ on her Twitter account,” said Tree Paine, a
representative for the Ms. Swift. “She declined and cautioned him about

It's only in the recent statements that the bitch comment became her main focus.
In her PR team's first statement they claimed Kanye didn't call her to clear the lyrics, but to ask if she'd release the song on her twitter account, they claimed she declined this request and warned him about releasing a song with a

That was the reason given way back in the day for why certain heroes couldn't appear on Smallville.
(And even more bizzarely why some characters couldn't appear in the DCAU- because apparently having animated versions of characters appear the same time live action films might be made would be abit too much for

It is also somewhat ironic that she talks about how having Patty Jenkin's as a director was important because only a woman could tell this story in the right way….yet the film is written by two men (three if you count Zack Snyder's story by credit.)
I'm not men aren't capable of writing feminist films…..it just seems

Honestly I'd say that Keith more or less looks his age at this point (and doesn't look particularly frail, unlike most people in their late-80's.)
During his 50 and most of his 60's he definetly looked 10 or so years older than he actually was (something his dyed hair only exagerated) but in the last few years he has

I dunno, I'd say it's a mix of both.
Take Men in Black- according to wikipedia two of the actors who turned down the role of J were Chris O'Donnell and David Schwimmer…while the film had a solid enough premise to do well at the box-office (and a bankable name in Tommy Lee Jones), I don't think the film would've become

I would say he's abit closer to Upper Middle-Class- his father worked for Weapons manufacteuring company, which isn't exactly the sign of an upper-class background.
(The novel Moonraker even has a great sequence where Bond's eating with M at a gentleman's club, and the other patrons subtly judge Bond's style of dress

But will one or both of them be killed off in a blood thirsty fashion to help add to the fun?

I think the biggest reason why they haven't is at the moment they seem to struggle to get a Bond film out every 3 years or so, so trying to develop a series of spinoffs at the same time as the main series might be too much to ask given their current work ethic.

What I don't like about it is it will lead to suggestions that Elba's Bond 'isn't the real Bond' by those who are opposed to the casting of a non-White Bond, and would feel abit like they're trying to avoid angering that demographic (while simultaneusly try to get praise for casting Elba.)

Yeah the timeline also bothered me alittle about their relationship- they met at the start of the first season, and given how in-Universe it has still been less than a year since the start of Season one, their relationship seems to progress and stabalise far too quickly at times, especially given the secrets that come

…yeah I get the feeling that Clerks 3 and Mallrats 2 will both be pushed so this can get made (while he continues to insist that they will definetly be made soon)….then after 6 months this series will be pushed back as he starts work on a sequel to Yoga Hosers.