Richard Grant

One of my favourite things about the internet is that on nearly any article about Dollhouse/ Enver- the first comment will almost always be about how great he was (and how perfect his impression of Fran Kanz was.)

Except killing Coulson was actually a Marvel mandated move- not something Joss brought to the film.
(Which is another reason I suspect he insisted on bringing Coulson back.)

There was a kinda reference when Vision talks breifly about the number of 'enhanced' induviduals havign grown exponentially since Stark came out as Iron Man…it is basically a vague enough comment to acknowledge that there are other superheroes out there, without alienatig any audience mebers that don't even know the

…No he didn't, he said re-watching the first Avengers recently some of the emotional impact of Coulson's death was removed by knowing he was still alive, and said this was one of the reasons why he didn't have Coulson in Age of Ultron (also saying that the film wouldn't have enough time to properly handle the return.)

I dunno the further and further the franchise goes out of the 30's the less it works, I feel.
Like this next one is going to have to be set in the 60's (or possibly even the early 70's) which feels far to modern for an Indiana Jones film….and having a film about his son set in the mid-70's isn't exactly what I want

'Would that it were so simple'

Yeah I definetly don't think they'll keep Ward around after this season ends (as there is no real way they could keep him once the Hive plot wraps up without it being a huge cop-out.)

I really liked Doom and Gloom from their 50th Anniversary Greatest Hits CD. Like I'm not gonna claim that it ranks anywhere close to their best works, but it's still one of the best rock songs released in the last 5 years.

….wow that's depressing (has anyone ever asked him his version of events for why he was relegated to 'story by' for the second two Nolan Bat films? Cause I've always suspected that after Warner Bros forced him on Nolan for Batman Begins, Nolan did every thing he could to keep Goyer's involvement in the next two as

To be fair- as an Australian I would say most of our politicians at the moment are paranoid, phobic and one-note.

Well the showrunners for Agent Carter also worked as showrunners on the second season of Dollhouse- so it's like two degree removed from being a Whedon show.

Given how much of Jurassic World was CGI, what benefit was there really to shooting it on film? (Other than getting to claim that they shot on film.)

The main reason I could see for not killing Poe off (besides Oscar Isaac being great) is that without Poe we wouldn't really know any of the pilots attacking Starkilller Base at the end (which would make that aspect of the endign less dramatic.)

It's defiently in part a result of the Arkham games (and then the new 52 further extrapolating on the Arkham version)- but at least in the Arkham games she sounded like Harley Quinn!

I agree about the stories of the prequels (with the exception of TPM, which fees more like it had half a story vaguely thought up….I still don't think there is a particularly clear explanantion about why the Trade Federation invaded Naboo.)
Whenever I read arrticles or stories talking about the crruption at the heart

Agreed part of the problem with the recycled plot beats for me was that it made me start to wander what George Lucas might have come up with for the sequel trilogy.
(Because for Lucas faults with handling character and direction, I think he would have been more ambitious with the story than just recreating ANH.)

Actually it was more like a pimped version of 10's, not 11's.

Still a Mutant Enemy Production/ run by his brother and sister-in- law and recent comments have suggested he still has a degree of say in the storylines and scripts.
(So while not a full on Whedon show BTVS, it's still something he has a degree of involvement in- like JJ Abrams during the early years of Lost.)

I seem to remember some mention by Disney that they would be incorporating ideas and storylines from the old EU into the new canon as time goes on.
(One thing I find interesting is that the Original Clone Wars animated series is not considered canon, even though the CGI series made reference to some of its events

One of the stories I heard is in addition to the Avengers tie-in, one change Marvel wanted to make was have Scott be a thief who was doing it all for his daugher (where-as Wright's script had him as a conman, who was less sympathetic initially.)
And Marvel apparently got their inhouse writers to make these changes to