Union of Smog Techs of CA

FJ is cool, but it was not used as the racing engine in the Skylines, Silvias, Violets, 240RS etc. That was the way cooler and older LZ series.

The only thing I don’t like is R is where P used to be. And on all the other Toyota hybrids you get a normal shifter, WTF?

The black box just needs a FindMyPlane app and ICloud turned on.

That might be the first 200SX but it is not the first gen Silvia.

Why does everybody get 2 ashtrays?

Yeah, more middle of the front seats engined. And then they turn under ass engined. Mitsubishi Van best mid-Van! I would say Nissan Van but they are all burned up and never seen one.

I bought a 240Z because of those games. The game is really called Wangan Midnight. There’s a live action movie that is so cheesy it is awesome. Also there are games we never got. Sad

They should just make something that shifts the shifter itself, you could put your hand there and pretend if you want.

This is getting out of hand though, Toyota outsources sports cars and their engines while powering Lotuses. If a new Celica comes out who will they pick?

It’s seriously retarded in the Bay Area, I hope society evolves soon and people can live within walking distance of a job worth having. We have the strictest smog laws but the dirtiest air in the country too thanks in part to the traffic.

It was probably designed by an ex smog tech who hated taking doghouses off to check timing/make sure it’s not an undercover run.

Anything after the catalyst does not need CARB approval. It just needs to not be loud enough for you to get a ticket. BOV, now that’s a paddlin.

What is happening in that picture? Her pants are being pulled down by someone?

Too bland, needs cayenne

All the bull names from Lamborghini, cause cows. Murcielago is a bat, pretty sure people eat those somewhere. Fairlady cause cannibals, or at least the ladybits get eaten if there is a no cannibal clause in this post.

The correct answer is re-plan your route if possible so as to not make a left turn that blocks the intersection. I was about to make one the other day, I saw 10 cars line up on the opposing side, so instead I went through the intersection and made 3 right turns. I have almost been hit by people who are waiting to turn

If engineers were all mechanics the cars would be too easy to work on and never break down cause of things like oh lets say the fuel line goes over the drive belt which can then break the timing cover and let fuel help the timing belt slip and smash the pistons into the valves which moved the lobes on the cheap ass

Damn, Dr. Porsche’s early years would make a great Seinfeldish sitcom. The episode where he takes Franz Ferdinand for a ride would be like Comedians in Cars getting coffee.

So in reverse it was the first hybrid?

That’s nice, but when can we get sprinkles on top?