Hey man, stupid people need jobs too, I mean there sure are a lot of them. Plus it just makes you look like a better journalist. But this is like picking on a retarded kid, its just sad.
Hey man, stupid people need jobs too, I mean there sure are a lot of them. Plus it just makes you look like a better journalist. But this is like picking on a retarded kid, its just sad.
Sexual attraction is brought about by chemical rewards triggered by visual and other sensory data produced by whatever your brain is programmed to like, this is reality. You seem to think there is a choice in what starts the blood flowing and that there is somethimg wrong with people who are just honestly describing…
Yours is built like a tank, wait if it's a Z32 I mean. And hopefully it has turbos. All the Z's have actually been overweight due to the stupid hatch design. It's like a damn spaceship cargo bay, and then my Z has a bar going through the middle? Actually best candidate for that M35H drivetrain, put something useful…
And people always act stupid and make assumptions based on perception rather than reality. That's what I was saying, they would say it was too light and unsafe if it still was 2300 pounds. You can't make everyone happy, especially when half the planet seems to derive pleasure from acting hipocritical and bitching…
It has nothing to do with logic, it's apples and oranges. Do you want Coke or Pepsi? If there's going to be a person's ass in front of you would you rather look at a man or a woman? Some guys just don't like looking at other guys. And real butts are just pixels in our heads, blind people never seen ass but I'll bet…
I like that old one more...
Its because she used to be soooo skinny and light when she was young, and people have a hard time forgetting that, they still want to sleep with her and all, but no one really wants to have to feed that fat ass. Because really, 3200 pounds is a lot, and just because the other girls weigh the same doesnt make it ok.…
From the amount of bad GM articles lately, I realized that GM is very good at making bad cars and will never change. Almost all their brands were started by some genius/engineer/madman who got shafted by idiotic business men with no vision. And one of those men, not sure who, maybe Leland, Durant who knows, paid an…
Those early cats only oxydized HC and CO, they couldn't reduce NOx. That's what EGR systems were for, introducing an inert gas into the combustion process to prevent the combustion temperatures from reaching NOx formation levels, 2500F. A secondary benefit is reduced pumping losses. It's interesting how lean it must…
Because it would be more complicated and difficult to work on if they used the Audi engine.
"Throttles open; throttles closed.
eeerrrrraaaaAAAAAAHHHHHUUuuuu, BOOM.
eeerrrrraaaaAAAAAAHHHHHUUuuuu, BOOM.
eeerrrrraaaaAAAAAAHHHHHUUuuuu, BOOM.
Each time he shuts down, the rich mixture detonates in the exhaust like cannonfire. There is a terrible tension in the sound, palpable conflict, the Offy's…
Iveco has an F2C diesel...
Dude, you means theres factory speed hole under those badges?
Some people like killing. And some people think it's ok to pick up a gun and go kill other people somewhere else because someone in authority says so. And so then we need to convince some of our people to pick up guns for us to defend us from those people, maybe even go where they are to kill them first.
Of all the reasons to cheat, also seems like least likely to piss the man off
It's human nature to look at something one finds attractive, and then make a sticky mess all over it, followed by a new something kinda similar but not neccessarily prettier.
Guys like curves
Naw, you're thinking about Audi