Union of Smog Techs of CA

It's funny how people will change out O2s, MAF, EGR after just reading a code, but no one just goes and buys a tranny or catalytic converter when those codes pop up. Then they call it an electrical problem keep resetting it.

If you are going to work on it yourself:

It's just a rebadged Feltzer, remember the Benefactor-Schyster years?

Nissan refuses to use the Nismo brand in any meaningful fashion round these parts. I would have sold drugs for a 380RS.

The laundromat is next door, the drag strip is just there for while you are waiting for your clothes to dry.

I think they just misunderstood when people said "that car blew right past me, it was fast"

Were like Voltron, when the states unite together we equal America, fuck yeah.

We have to set the limits low to cater to the people with VERY slow reaction times, that shouldn't be driving in the first place.

And subtitles? Come on just make them learn the lines in english.

And for lack of gratuitous lesbian sex scenes, it had so much potential.

Yes it sucked, mainly because the girl had a car that really doesn't break down. The guy doesn't want to sleep with her, he seems creepy most of the time. It was like watching a Law and Order, I kept expecting him to kill every one and then dress in womens clothes while driving around listening to music and acting

Working on cars is actually easy. Fixing them right without breaking unbroken parts, hurting yourself in the process, and putting everything back together right the first time is another story.

I inspect over 5000 cars a year, I've been doing this for eight years. Many people are driving cars that I would be scared to drive. I used to think they were all going to die, but then I realized that either through ignorance, skill or luck they were somehow driving them successfully. But still they have no idea that

Just put some Honda and Prelude badges on it and then it will make sense.

Nanook isn't liking this...

Brasil! Talk to Mate

Sad thing is the GM Nummi stuff manages to be less reliable, I think they used stuff Toyota would have thrown out, or regular GM owners didnt realize they were worth fixing.

Freakin VW Escort!