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    That bit part was a waste of Ferrer's talent.

    Well he won an Oscar for the Social Network soundtrack in this decade, so arguably he's even more 'relebant' than he was in the '90s.

    Yeah, it really translates the rage felt in response to the Trayvon Martin shooting – it's easy to abstractly empathise from over in the UK, but Kendrick makes it visceral. But at the same time, it's rage paired with reason and Kendrick really takes apart what that rage is about and why it might be 'hypocritical'. As

    Oh god, I'd forgotten that that Death Grips album was this year. The whole album slayed, but 'Inanimate Sensation' and 'On GP' were the standouts for me.

    Well, the trolly comment above about 'third rate Kanye Wests' that we're reacting to certainly suggests that – neither Kendrick nor Vince produce, as far as I know, so the comparison must be for the rapping. (Or it could just be a borderline racist trolly comment, y'know)

    Counter-counterpoint: Saul is a poet, Kanye is a poseur. (I actually like some of his music [i.e. MBDTF], but anyone who proclaims himself the best rapper ever on the basis of rhyming 'I see the blood on the leaves' with 'I see the blood on the leaves' AND 'I see the blood on the leaves' isn't even doing anything like

    I think "too shit" was the more prominent and accurate criticism.

    Plus 'Crazy', plus 'The Only One' (with Jemini), and this non-album version of 'Sofa King':

    There's some other, non-'Power' shit in that song. EDIT: just reread g2's sentence: you're right, both those songs should be recognisable.

    If that visible hand weren't evidently devoid of tattoos, I'd say that someone made a mistake and got a photo of Scott Kelly from Neurosis instead of this fella.

    This isn't really answering the question that this piece asks, but why is Black Swan so low on the list?

    There's something quite The Prisoner-esque about Laa Laa's ball in b+w…

    The interesting thing here is that the show appears, plot-wise, to be a mashup of Twin Peaks and The Prisoner. These are two of the best shows ever (in their kind of thriller/mystery genre, at least), so it's kind of laudable that someone's taking that on. It's almost unbelievable that no one has done so already.

    "So by the transitive property, it’s based on Twin Peaks"