Smooth JA
Now playing

I’ve been saying this for yeeeaaarrrssss... :-)
Probably the closest we’ll get:

You should maybe stop watching? I have a lot of issues with how things seem to be going at the moment, but am still enjoying it immensely. If you can’t even watch without feeling contempt for the people who do enjoy the show, it might be time to pull the plug. Sounds like you’ve been miserable for 3 seasons now. Why

Man, I’m busy.

Welp, shut it down, boys. Lamplighter is out.

I feel like this is kind of the nature of music, though. Very little of it stands the test of time, but a great deal of it means something to a person or a group of people at a certain time. I remember earnestly singing to songs that legitimately make me cringe now (I’m looking at you, Backstreet Boys’ “Incomplete”).

“Can’t be pissed at something that was never promised.”

Hello, I would like to welcome you to the Internet. 

i mean this is clearly for little kids

People point to it not performing as well as TFA, but the second movie in trilogies often come in lower.

My two seconds after reading this reply experience: miming jerking off while rolling my eyes.

Thanks for publishing these emails. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it also prevent Ricketts.

“Not unless you think round’s funny.”

Friendly reminder that not everyone wants to deal with your nerd box.

This sucks but at least John Cena will grant a wish for him. 

Because he did it.

Arm chair commissioner installs schizophrenia tent into which players go for 30 seconds and then return to the field

He got better

You know for someone who’s apparently a fan of SFDebris’ Opinionated Reviews you really have a hard time telling the difference between your own opinions and fact. You not liking TLJ is your opinion, just because you like or don't like something doesn't mean everyone else has to or they're wrong.

Really, Brett Favre never got around to trademarking that one? 

Poor thing. 

He’s formerly married to a fox with zero body warmth, not sure what part is confusing you.