
That about sums up how I feel whenever I drive my e46 M3 convertible. I am well aware of the facts that: a) it is a pretty fast car and b) it is definitely not the fastest car on the road. One day I was driving home late at night and some dude kept “surging?” at me in his five-0! It was very aggravating having him

That about sums up how I feel whenever I drive my e46 M3 convertible. I am well aware of the facts that a) it is a pretty fast car and b) it is definitely not the fastest car on the road. One day I was driving home late at night and some dude kept “surging?” at me in his five-0! It was very aggravating having him ride

Like the time my old coworker took me for an errand in his 5.0CS decided to race a Corvette and jump a curb at 75mph. Yes we went airborn. No the tire somehow didn’t explode, but we did fishtail across 3 lanes of traffic for a few seconds. He was a “pro racer bro!” We took my cars after that. #mustanglifebro

Somewhere in Los Angeles, Blake Griffin sheds a single tear of joy.