
Yes. Is the game multiplayer or one that I’d generally check in regularly with (like Animal Crossing), then I get digital. If it’s a singleplayer campaign, then I get a physical version, but only after a year or two when an “ultimate” or “GOTY” edition comes out. I still like having my shelf of games, and I like being

That is against ebay rules and I am doing my part to keep ebay safe and fair. Presale items are extremely risky to buyers as there is nothing ebay will do if you buy one of these and don’t get it next year. The product has to be available within 30 days to qualify.

Looking at the twitter comments here

Agreed on all points.

Yep, Shopify! Wow, that Funko stuff sounds insidious.

Yes. No bullshit pre-announcements and beating around the bush and drawing things out, just a put up or shut up moment for everybody.

Sony and Microsoft playing price chicken is more annoying to me than it should be.  This article makes it clear it’s better for the gaming press with things spread out, but all these separate “events” have exhausted my interest in them largely.

Agreed, the extreme length of time these “not E3" presentations went out over coupled with the fact they had so little to actually announce was just dull.

Yeah there were a couple long announcement events around E3 time but there was very little shown during that, so even those streams were pretty lame. The PS5 event was about the only one I enjoyed. I can't be too upset because obviously there are much more pressing issues right now, but it is still a bit disappointing.

You pretty much wrapped up all my thoughts. Good job haha.

Two more from Sony, actually. One is coming this week that’s all about previously announced games, then another one for the PS5 price and release. That’s assuming they don’t delay the second one even longer to combat Microsoft.

I feel like this is just a “trying too hard to come up with a hot-take on Kotaku” sort of article. I don’t have any major beef with Nintendo keeping tight lipped about the rest of the year, but I don’t see why the industry could or should be moving in a more secretive direction, it doesn’t really benefit anybody. Hype

I vehemently disagree with the sentiment of this article. The industry as a whole needs to become more transparent, not less; and during a time of great upheaval, it is always great to have something to look forward to.

In other semi-related-Nintendo news (that Kotaku won’t cover for some reason), yet another professional Smash player got outed as a pedo/sexual groomer. This time it was Sky Williams, who hosted a bunch of other guilty Smash players and their victims in his house and he knew about what was going on under his roof.

I never did get around to beating this game. I insisted on playing on the hardest difficulty because I wanted to be sure I saw everything. Then at some point one of them got too hard and I never went back.

Also, remember Matt Casamassina from IGN64? He’s in it.

There’s also something the restaurants could do - update their websites.

I went through the whole game and never noticed.

This wouldn’t have affected me since it was way late into the game when I realized you could fast travel from anywhere.  I thought you had to use the spirit wells anyways.  

First party Direct is most likely “June”. And not just because that was the date of E3, but rather because Nintendo’s first party schedule seem like the first half of the year(perhaps to let people recover from the holidays?) being very slow with sparse releases and things only starting to pick up in the summer to the

It’s because people are convinced that this is only affecting cold places, even though both Italy and Iran are very warm climates. I’ve seen a lot of people claim they can’t get sick because of that.