Troll harder, buddy.
Troll harder, buddy.
Probably not, I've seen how much fun my gay friends have at Pride and similar gatherings. It literally looks like the best thing to do.
I personally think some pretty disgusting things, racist, homophobic, sexist stuff. Really fucked up ship....... but I try not to get any of it on other people. ....
Showing pride in yourself regardless of sexual orientation =/= bragging about being homosexual
Mmm... Delicious fried Chocobo....
well, nothing beats BEING homosexual as far as I've heard!
Was there a Westboro counter protest at the local Choco-fil-A?
I assume you mean you are sick and tired of *reversing* discrimination? Because I don't see any "reverse discrimination" going on here, nor do I see anything that should make a person sick and tired.
Jokes on you, I gave the price after the half-off discount.
Fairly popular admission: given the facts I have now, I will be unlikely to buy The Sims 4 new, even though I have bought all of the previous Sims games new.
You probably meant Unix based OSes. That would include Mac OS X was well.
just got a windows 8.1 tablet with mcafee pre-installed. was a dog with mcafee. uninstalled mcafee and installed this and it barely puts a dent in the resources.
Oh, no reason besides weeks of battery life, ability to read in any light condition, non-fatiguing screen, and light weight. Nope, no reason at all.
Oh, no reason besides weeks of battery life, ability to read in any light condition, non-fatiguing screen, and light…
get out from under the bridge!
and yet, you cared just enough to trundle on over to the comments section and let us all know what you thought!
If you scroll up or down I think you'll find people who care.
You really couldn't be more wrong. But then I bet you are wrong about a lot of things with that attitude.
I'm very sorry you feel that way!