
Are you from Jezebel?

Go back to tumblr, you moron. Now, what the passed out people had in common was that they were all females. Their gender identities are irrelevant to the article, mostly because they were passed out... you know, you can't ask someone about their gender identity if they are passed out. So yes - they were females

If I may say so: You are what's wrong with this world. How they hell could they be addressed by their gender identity if they never stated it? The default would be their sex,would it not? This is quickly becoming a problem, this "Gender warfare." I'm all for equal rights, but when it must be addressed at every turn,

Bit hard to ask someone their gender identity when they are unconscious.

This just in, the PlayStation game rental service will only serve as an elaborate "Rental Service".

Soon we won't even have to go to web sites anymore, Google will just index everything and give us what we want.

Hernandez is a game journalist, it is her job to play and write about games. Is your argument here really that she shouldn't have done her job in this instance simply because no one was forcing her to do it? I think Totilo would have something to say about that, but even if it weren't her job, it's absolutely

I'm reviewing the game. So it's literally my job to do this, and in doing so, will hopefully inform people who might care about this. They in turn can seek out other games that might fit their needs better, if so they wish.

Maybe? I'm not sure, I'd need to play with it more. I think the problem is that there are so many, and they're from different ad services—but many of them from big ones. I think effectively blocking them wouldn't be THAT different from just blocking all ads. But again, I'd need to play and see.

Excellent write-up Patricia. In no way is this an insult, but it might be my favorite article you've ever written. A lot of the concerns about whether the game sets itself apart from the competition were addressed. I think Bungie is going to have be very careful about balance as Osbourne mentioned.

the UI is hipster-slick

She never suggested you should?

Use and set up price alerts for whatever products you'd like. Should be faster (and give you better chances) than waiting for these aggregate posts.

Now playing

I wouldn't say "groundbreaking", but pretty awesome snow physics.

I wonder what colours they're going to let us choose from at the end?
Yellow - save the world
Mauve - let it burn

I'm under the impression this guy doesn't have a PS4 and isn't aware of how quick those installs are for physical media. Majority of titles clock in under 20 seconds on install when you pop the disc in and allow you to play as it downloads new updates.

That'd be more trouble than it would be worth.

The "asshole" is strong in this one.

I know you meant it for fun.

Buttons are an essential feature of handhelds. Hiding them is not 'best of both worlds'. The middle image looks like a Nexus 7 addon, and the bottom one looks like a Surface wannabee. I believe you came at this from the wrong direction. A handheld that can consume other media, instead of the way you went at it, which