
I adore this show. They've done an amazing job with it. I think the producers really fleshed out the idea for this in the most perfect way. By making them be their own camera person, you really end up with some raw moments. It writes itself! Human nature on full display. It is absolutely fascinating as well to compare

Rectify is amazing, I tell everyone I know to watch it. What a gem!

I was asked recently who my favorite actor is. I started thinking through all the movies I've loved over the years, some of my favorites: Leo DiCaprio, Daniel Day Lewis, Christian Bale, Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey, Mark Ruffalo.. I came to realize that there is

Metallica has always been a great band with great compositions. Their older albums are really quite amazing for the time period.