You know, maybe the feminists aren't being the hypersensitive ones here. I'll give you the same advice I do every time I see somebody bitch about a review: "Wow, man, you should ask for your money back."
You know, maybe the feminists aren't being the hypersensitive ones here. I'll give you the same advice I do every time I see somebody bitch about a review: "Wow, man, you should ask for your money back."
Loveless Internet foodtube breaks out stale insult — but does ridicule work both ways? Find out at 11!
Woah, good point — I'd forgotten about Duluth! You might be on to something…
Huh. You could be right, but I had just assumed they were using "Fargo" as a figure of speech to refer to "the mob ring that operates out of Fargo." Kinda like someone saying "Get New York on the phone!" when they mean "the NYC office."
Are you trying to tell us there ISN'T a real problem with gender balance in these big-name dramas? Or are you just sick of people discussing things that don't directly affect you? Calling people "numpties" (wtf?!) doesn't really prove there isn't a problem—just that you're a little grumpy and self-centered about it.
I took thorough notes and tucked them away someplace handy.
You're being really dot-nose about this.
Other people's concerns fail to interest white male media nerd, film at 11.
"Awwwwwww, it's okay, buddeh! Since I got fired I got more time ta eat puddin'!"</brak>
Well-played. I will let you go on humanitarian grounds. (And the grounds that you're still right about the Simpsons and nothing we do can change it. :( )
Jesus, Snidely, switch to decaf.
Wow, that's really edgy.
To be fair to the little guy, you can't get much less pretentious than naming yourself "poop".
Did the whole thing just smack of effort? :'(
Doesn't it make just as much sense that the guy just doesn't care? It's not like paternity really requires a whole lot of information, at least of the non-genetic kind, to be transmitted. :p
Sure! I can think of plenty of solid things I'd compare to Ace Ventura, give or take a few bits of corn stuck in 'em.
I don't personally feel like you can count any season with a clip show, unless you really think "So It's Come To This" is a masterpiece of television, so Simpsons S4 is right out…
Heh. I tend to call it "Gypsy (from MST3K) Syndrome" or "Rainicorn Syndrome". The producers get a fair bit into their show before they realize, "Crap! Our main female characters have no personality traits whatsoever. We need to give them an upgrade, quick."
No, no, I think we're on the same page here. My girlfriend and I both loved the big crazy alien crowd scenes, and kinda agreed that if that's where all their budget was going… it was totally worth it.
You clearly share my outrage at this show's shameful lack of positive left-handed intersexed Samoan rolemodels. It's a powerful symbolic issue for people like us!