
Spoilers you say? You mean like how we know that Han, Lando, Chewie, and the Millenium Falcon all survive no matter what, and it’s likely that none of the other characters do or else they would have been in one of the original six movies, right?

I honestly don’t think there is ANY actor in Hollywood right now who can act or look or sound like Harrison Ford. They just don’t have people like that anymore. Alden might even be one of the best they could’ve gotten. Just do what I do: ignore the whole Han Solo part and just look at this as another random sci-fi

He’s clearly an alcoholic. That’s why it’s sad. It’s also sad that you fail to recognize alcoholism as an illness.

It took him a week or two to tweet about the fires north of San Francisco and LA last Summer that killed four dozen people and destroyed more than 10,000 structures, including destroying entire neighborhoods in Santa Rosa and helping trigger a massive mudslide in Santa Barbara county that killed two dozen people.

The first rule of Project Mayhem is you do not ask questions.

“Is this America?”

Bill just, honestly, sounded dumb last night. Like he doesn’t understand 1A. Uneducated. He’s such the pseudo intellectual. I enjoy his show because of the diverse panels, but he’s usually one of the dumbest ones in the mix.

‘It’s Not a Fucking Accident’

Unconfirmed reports is the flaming debris consisted of campaign documents requested by the special council.

This, a million times. Not to mention there is absolutely no way Politically Incorrect would’ve had still been on the air fifteen years later. 

I wonder how you’d even enforce an opinion like “people shouldn’t boycott stuff.” “No, you HAVE to buy this brand of toothpaste, because people told them to stop sponsoring a racist.”

He showed last night that he doesn’t understand the First Amendment. Elliot Spitzer actually schooled him. Bill still didn’t get it. That’s just ignorance.

The cancellation of Politically Incorrect was possibly the best things that ever happened to his career, but you’d never know it from the way he whines. HBO “rescued” him almost immediately after ABC canned him, and let him have a show where he made more money for fewer episodes and where there was less corporate

You are bang-on. I have been going over this with students these days, because a handful of them seem to think that freedom of speech means you get a forum. Freedom of speech means freedom from political censorship—which means that your government can’t arrest you for simply promulgating an unpopular opinion. But the

I watch his clips from time-to-time, and usually just roll my eyes through his attempts to show his “independence” by “sticking it to the liberals.” But this one is just so...weak.

Hey Bill Maher, this is not a First Amendment or “free speech” issue, as it does not involve the government. You should know this, it’s not difficult.

He is, and I hate that my Got addiction helps pay his salary.

Bill Maher is trash.

If you think about it all Thanos really is the ultimate MRA. He’s a toxic asshole who harasses a woman because he thinks he’s entitled to her and then gets violent and accusatory when she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings.