
“So you’re saying he’s available?” -U of Rhode Island A.D.

Nowhere in this very long article does it say where Brandeis University is located. It must not be in the South since that would have been mentioned in the first paragraph.

Do you feel good about yourself Deadspin for what you’ve done to this coach? Do ya? You got a racist and disgusting human being suspend and probably fired. I hope you can sleep better at night for what you’ve done.

I was gonna say Thurgood Marshall or Brandeis, but if we’re doing TV judges I feel like it should be noted Judy is overrated and Joe Brown is underrated.

This was a big misunderstanding. He meant, I’ll ship you ‘Back To Africa’ the documentary dvd, in the mail.

Nobody can circle the wagons around Boomer and Boomer!

To me it 100% felt like a rebuke of the Disney/Lucasfilm Officially Licensed Storm Trooper/Darth Vader Salt and Pepper Shakers, available now at Target.

You sure the eagle didn’t land on James Pullman?

I don’t think that’s a hot take and I think you’re probably on to what Goldberg did hire him for. Either Goldberg, editor-in-chief at the extremely well-renowned and respected Atlantic, is terribly incompetent at vetting his hires OR just maybe he wanted him because of these exact views but hasn’t become quite aware

He looks like a disgraced street magician.

The shirt, the earrings, the beard- just looking at him you know everything he says is gonna suck. Everything.

Conservatives: We demand a free marketplace of ideas where our intellectuals are judged by their words

Going into the theater opening weekend to see Rogue One, i was spoiler free. Had no clue about the Vader scene at the end, so i was completely blown away. I really like Rogue One up to that point, but after, i was in love.

Pocketing money earned by amateurs? Sounds like he’d be perfect as the next president of the NCAA!

Still the only movie to show the Real Darth Vader. The dad joke sucked but I’m going to look up the end battle again right now just as soon as I type this period.

I say that it’s either Empire Strikes Back or Rogue One, but in my heart of hearts I think that Rogue One is my favorite star wars movie. That being said, I would be really interested in seeing how the original movie looked before the reshoots.

“Because you sort of go, ‘Oh this is a movie where, folks, just look—everyone is going to die.’

Comment of the year. Thank you.

If you ever start an anti-boomer newsletter, lemme know. Because I will subscribe and do the one thing Millennials never do: pay for the content.