
“Here’s the Straight Shot: we may have had some issues in the past with Isiah Thomas, but this is ISAIAH Thomas, so there’s no way this 5-year, $90 million dollar deal will come back to bite us. He almost won the MVP recently! What better cure for a hip injury than the hippest owner in the Big Apple?

Makes me wonder if Paterno was a pedo looking out for a fellow pedo, same way Strampfel was looking out for Nassar.

I’ve got Baylor on line three.

Whelp, turns out little brother was creepy, criminal little brother.

And we’re supposed to feel sorry for the white farmers losing their (stolen) land over there... NOT

As a 5'9" guy myself, I always root for sub-6' athletes, unless they play slot receiver for the Pats.

Look, just because the options are all bad, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a choice. I’m sure the Knicks will offer him a multiyear deal.

She was trying to use her uterus as an ATM and he’s plain ole stupid, or maybe his logic was that if he did get her pregnant, Daddy would let him get a divorce to quell scandal. She was still using her uterus as an ATM, joke would have been on her because she probably has more liquid cash than him.

He should have doubted himself.

If I wanted to read about the little guy getting screwed, I’d read more HamNo.

I have a question for the women who comment here. What would ever make a woman even want to take off a bandaid for, much less do anything remotely sexual with a man who looks like a cross between the Pepe meme and a ferret?

So....they made their version of the Honda Ridgeline.

... Its like VW said- hey- we should make a truck! And then they sort of gave up halfway and said screw it- let’s just hack saw a SUV in half and stick a bed and some weird looking lights on it and call it a day...

Remove grown and man and you’re 100% correct.

Tekashi is a kid.

This dude is not going to age well.

I try fairly hard not to get into the intergeneration beefs because we all were once “the younger generation” but when I see someone like this I’m ready to just check out on modern music sit my old ass down in a rocking chair and fire up some Prince on repeat and shuffle forever.

1999 me, really wants that shirt bad so I can wear it at the club that night.

Black people need to stop co-signing these fucking no talent culture vultures and their fuckery. Also, isn’t this the shithead with the child predator charges looming in the background?

Wow. These children are out here listening to a literal troll!