If you don’t know... now you know, nibble.
If you don’t know... now you know, nibble.
only with the windows rolled up,
Yeah, he totally shouldn’t do this and should know better.
Yeah if he’s not careful, he might have to resort to working for the New York Post again.
Uhhh.. we’re talking Peter Vecsey, his career’s been done.
Really? I would’ve though he’d already been flushed down the toilet with the byline “former New York Post NBA columnist”
This is always how it is. No matter how good the analytics in basketball become people will always revert back to looking at offense and how many points a guy scores when evaluating a player. The average person just doesn’t see the other types of value that a player brings to the table. Its why a guy like Chauncey…
Tim Tebow is a legit bum. Look at stats. Year you guys anointed him Jesus Jr he had a 46.5% completion rating, 1700 yards 12td/6int over 11 starts. Last year after which everyone said Kaepernick is a bum magically 59.2% completion rating 2200 yards, 16td/4int in also 11 starts. Dude is better in every single way than…
Well, I can’t answer for the guy you called retarded - and I’m sure you’ll have some snappy retort for me too - but statistics alone tell us that Kaepernick, who has a lifetime 72-30 TD-INT ratio, has thrown for over 13,000 yards and run for 2,800 (reg. season and playoffs), and has a career QBR of 88.9 (higher than 9…
Was it the episode where Becky got married?
As opposed to who? Savage? Osweiler? Hoyer? Glennon? Shit, the list of QB’s on rosters would show at least half backups and starters are worse. You’re an idiot... but keep drinking the juice.
Is? Who knows. None of us have seen him play since 2014 or so (yes, I know he played in 2015 and 2016, but nobody watched the 49ers then).
I mean, given the quality of their programming... why not? Isn’t that their key demographic?
Jason played O-Line in high school and the QB was Jeff George. Jason likes to point this out a lot. I used to read him when he trolled people for the KC Star because it was funny. I’ve since grown tired of his schtick.
Whitlock stanned George relentlessly until George was at least 35. He sincerely couldn’t understand why NFL teams didn’t want to give a roster spot to an injury-prone malcontent who made guys want to punch him within five minutes of meeting him.
In 2006 the Raiders took a flyer on Jeff George to be their backup QB. It didn’t work out because Jefe was old as fuck; he was cut in the final roster paring. During the final preseason game against my hometown Seahawks, a friend and I were located in the 50 about 20 rows behind the Raiders bench. At some point in the…
I guess we’ll never know, because who watches Fox Sports 1.