
Every time Trump hints at a major announcement for the briefest of moments I think he is going to say “fuck this shit. I quit”. But then I realize I am living in Hell and good things don’t happen in Hell.

That is one of the reasons why I refuse to listen to him speak, and will only read his words. (His grating voice, insistence on yelling, apparent lack of intelligence, and ugly-ass face are the other reasons.) My brain goes into Grammar Police/This Mofo Makes No Fucking Sense overload.

My exact thoughts! This imbecile is gonna kill us all. And all because a bunch of racists, gun nuts, rich people, and religious crazies voted him in.

I’m still waiting for that “major” birth certificate announcement.

He speaks in sentence fragments. It’s maddening.

And the reason Trump classifying NK as a state sponsor of terrorism is important is because that means he can order military assaults without Congressional approval, since it will already be covered.

Goddamn he really is the worst negotiator in history. So insecure a simple red carpet and his ass rolls over on everything.

To be fair, that season was after the Tigers lost Justin Verlander at point guard.

As a devoted niners fan, anyone who loses to us this season is not qualified to coach pop warner.

Well, one guy did that quite often, but he also likely raped his daughter and step-daughter

Clearly, you never read Liz Smith, the local-gossip-columnist in Moorhead, Minnesota. She was the one who broke the news the Gail Horverson and Mike Anderson were having a weekly affair at the Ramada, don’cha know?

Losing to the 49ers is a fireable offense.

It couldn’t possibly be that your proposed Mark Jackson Effect could be explained by Jackson overlapping with Ewing during his age 25-29 seasons could it? Jacson was a good player for the Knicks but he only played 5 seasons, and those seasons were good, not great.

Sure thing, Mr. Jackson.

Yannick it off, you guys.

You gotta be Joakim me with that bad pun.

100% correct, under noah circumstances should they have done this.

I mean, Dave Chappell was pretty clear.

Apparently we’re not the only ones who Googled Whoopi. The fact that she’s never hosted SNL before is a top suggested search for Google.

They did back in the 00's when the video came out. Keep up.