
Pedro was amazing, but it always felt like the Yankees would be able to wait him out long enough and then beat up on the bullpen. Halladay used to just mow them down for 9 innings.

I’m a little salty they didn’t use a cover photo of him in a Jays uni

Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling.

LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.

Does cutting all those clips into one montage not do them justice or is Difficult People really that unfunny?

People who microwave fish (good or bad) in the office kitchen should be taken outside and put in stocks. They are garbage humans and deserve no compassion from any of us.

What about at urinals? Why are there so many pubes at my company’s urinals?!?!

Or he has a tiny noodle dick that sprays like a fire hose all over the place when he’s sitting down. Big U dick wouldn’t get piss on the toilet or pants. It’d be like a urine bidet. In which case, you’d pee after the shit.

What the fuck dude? The toilet is right there. Just pee into the toilet. How the fuck do you get piss on your pants when you’re peeing sitting down? In your buttcrack? I don’t believe this for a second. Is your dick shaped like a giant U that points right back up your butt? No, no it is not.

Do you work at my company? Who would think an office full of professional types would become a bunch of savages before lunchtime? Half the toilets look like the trainspotting toilet and the other half have more pubic hair and piss stains than I care to think about. Who is shaving or losing pubes that much in a men’s

Based on how the toilets in my office look 90% of the time, I just assume everyone holds their piss until after they’re done shitting, so they can stand up and piss all over the seat before they leave.

We said NFL owners, not pretenders who stage their home games in a high school soccer stadium.

Nah. Poor taste would be if the man hit the woman which would cause Conan to be raked over the coals and require an apology tour.


Irsay is just incompetent, guys like Snyder and Jones are actively trying to fuck people (fans, players, other owners).

This site has really been dropping the ball on covering Irsay as a terrible owner and person lately. I mean, we all love some good Dan Snyder hate and ragging on Jerrah, but Irsay can’t even claim the business acumen of those two goobers.

In the land of circular swimmers, the one who can swim straight is king. 

Of course Irsay believes this. He also believes he earned his wealth by out-swimming his equally shitty competition.

“WHen is Lebron gonna admit he did that to his own house? HURR DURR!”

Fuck you Dauntarius