
After reading your comment and looking at the ridiculous fucking names of Yankee prospects, I thought there was a Chance I could work a good pun in, but then determined there was no way I could do such absurdity Justus. And then finally just decided I’d rather head over to pornhub and gleyber myself silly.

Deion forgot to mention a stat that a lot of Cowboys fans like to forget: not only was Tony 2-4 in the playoffs, he was 2-4 in the games needed to get into the playoffs! There were plenty of seasons dashed because Tony couldn’t win and it had nothing to do with the defense or the offensive line, it was Tony’s poor

Bobby Valentine.

I will laugh so hard when they hire Dusty.

Brian Cashman: So, zombie Billy Martin, let me explain how we handle pitchers now. We usually have a set pitch count ...

I thought Cashman made is quite clear that the players had an issue with Joe Girardi: “Our issues and concerns were the ability to engage, fully communicate, and connect with the playing personnel.” It sounds like Girardi did not have that connectivity with their young core of players - a core that’s only going to get

I feel the same about LA Confidential.

I don’t know, his jump shot was a little shaky...

For me it’s apathy. I voted last year and every local election since I became of age. Two weeks ago, I checked my voter registration and found out I was made inactive because of return mail. I’ve been living in the same spot for the last 3 yrs and even though I still had enough time to register, I just din’t care. I

Randomly successful is more like it.

It’s been a wildly successful 14 years in New York for Manning

Sad, really. A generic, afterthought career with occasional periods of unintentional success and unbelievable luck, ending with a slow, clumsy, directionless amble into a mediocre sunset. Farewell, Eli. We hardly knew ye, because you were barely worth noticing.

After decades in community action, all I can say is that right now is “the resistance” dead in the water. A lot of the long term campaigners, like myself, are burned out and struggling to find new ways of saying the same old song, and -while there have been some smart and motivated younger voters- most of the younger

Yeah, I know that politics aren’t unlikely, but it would be an interesting twist if this whole thing was over some “you built your new fence 2 inches onto my property and won’t re-do it” kind of neighbor drama.

I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.

and that feeling those people have is also valid and okay.

 That’s how I feel about the Usual Suspects. That is definitely in my top five movies.

The birther argument is a lot like his alleged hair; there’s nothing there, but he teases and pushes things around until it looks like there is.

Trump knows very well that Obama was born in the USA, he just cannot handle the fact that a black man is far more erudite than himself.

Now playing

Trump has two ex-wives who were not born in the USA. The most recent cannot string a coherent sentence together without plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech. Melania Trump has claimed to be fluent in five languages .....