People be dissing turkey bacon dropping dead around us ... I’very never tried to tell anybody it tasted like pancetta but I’ll still be eating mine on the way to Pilates ...
People be dissing turkey bacon dropping dead around us ... I’very never tried to tell anybody it tasted like pancetta but I’ll still be eating mine on the way to Pilates ...
1974 baby, but still....
It was so cool, once. What were we doing? This is how White people are going to look at crystal meth in 20 years.
#10 was THHHE dumbest
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*raise your hand if your first thought on seeing the headline was “Well, that one was only a matter of time”*
It’s not local schoolboards, it’s state boards. Texas and Florida produces most of the schoolbook standards for the country. They have many policy suggestions on how history is written from lobbying groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Daughters of the American Revolution, and other similarly…
They’re only minors if they’re white.
Nothing like having a high ranking general look fondly on outright treason and claim that Lee was “an honorable man who gave up his country to fight for his state.”
Harden at the point was pretty good, too (even as an obvious move).
And it isn’t even like they waited either. It isn’t like Lincoln freed the slaves then they seceeded. Or even necessarily planned to free the slaves. They just didn’t get one president they liked and left because they were afraid slavery would end some vague point down the line.
A ticket with a Latvian on it is pretty well guaranteed to take a hard line on Russia. They’ve got my vote!
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The whole history of the country from its foundation to the Civil War was nothing but a bunch of legislative compromises. Did he forget the Missouri Compromise? The North so badly didn’t want to go to war that they bent over backwards for decades to appease the South.
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Does this mean we finally get that Kazaam sequel we’ve all been waiting for?!
The 2nd amendment was also a compromise to allow militias (anti-slave patrols) to be armed and called up in states with heavy enslaved populations (SC, VA).
Even if Kelly were correct (and let’s be clear he is incredibly wrong), it’s still an insanely racist argument. It assumes that the Civil War SHOULDN’T have been fought and the South should have been allowed to maintain slavery.
I absolutely hate when they use the “they’re minors” defense. I was a minor who did stupid things. None of those stupid things every involved racism. There’s no excuse for doing some racist BS.