
I’ll speak for all of us and just say it:

From that name can I assume he identifies as a White Hispanic?

Reinforces the fact that I don’t see hispanic people as allies. The moment they get a chance they will throw black people under a bus. They are allies so long as it helps their causes, the moment they don’t need us anymore they will treat us exactly like

A Niners second round pick is basically a New England first round pick

Well we can agree that banging 14 year olds isnt cool at least.

Either way the result is the same if the guy said stop and then left without anything further happening.

If I may quote Sean Connery in The Hunt for Red October, “There is no going back..”

Uh, the guy in real life said he stopped before he did anything...

But that is coming up based on the alleged issue from years ago, with the 14 year old. Given the information that we have now about that, it is not unreasonable to take a closer look at other incidents and see if there is anything there. You are being willingly obtuse about that point and how they are related.

You’re right, there is totally nothing inappropriate about a grown man inviting a 14 year old to a party with alcohol into his bed. Totally normal.

They look equal parts sloppy, disinterested, and arrogant.

But that renders Cranston’s statement meaningless. What that amounts to is him saying, “I hope Trump does things I approve of.” What is the basis of that ‘hope’? And why is the definition of ‘succeeding as a President’ ‘doing things I approve of’? That undercuts the entire point of the latter part of his statement

Look, fuck you troll. Hoping Trump succeeds and then saying “Well, I mean I hope he succeeds in doing exactly the opposite of what he has done and intends to do” is bullshit. Applying the same logic you’re pretending to, one might also hope that Richard Spencer, Kim Jong Un, and Isis succeed as well. Are you ready

Yes, wow, great point. Let’s let Cranston’s “point” of delluding ourselves into believing in a fiction that is clearly and entirely false be a good one.

Yep. If a pilot’s plan is to fly the plane into a mountain, you hope the pilot fails. You don’t wish him or her luck.

Hoping that someone does better is NOT the same as a blanket approval of anything they do or an acquiescence.

When wishing someone success, a wise person will consider what that persons goals and desires happen to be, and what the result will be if they achieve success. The success of a person with despicable goals are not to be wished for.

Funny- All this time I thought Spacey had come out twenty years ago, around the same time Ellen Degeneres did.

Kevin, nobody was asking about your sexuality. They were asking if you tried to rape a high school freshman.

It was Gawker, I think (there have been multiple convos on both Jez and Gawker though) in regards to Bryan Singer getting accused of statutory rape and predation by a former alleged (and underage at the time) partner. (Like 2 yrsish ago.) Apparently Singer and Spacey have attended parties (Singer threw) together and

I think I stopped reading Jezebel regularly almost two years ago, so if they just had a recent thread, then they’ve had numerous ones. Hee!