
They’re just like kids sentenced as adults out there.

Bíttolo actually only needed two stitches but the doctor didn’t want to embarrass him.

I’ve developed this annoying habit of being able to tell myself I’m dreaming while in a dream, which means all of my awesome ones are bittersweet because I’ll be like “Dammit this isn’t real”.

Or worse, trying to redeem three day expired coupons that are actually for mail in rebates.

I mean, can you imagine a worse insult?

It’s a perfectly fine take.

He probably pays by writing a check, too.

I wonder if at some point he just starts shouting when he reads grocery lists aloud, too. “Eggs, Wheaties, apples, orange juice, milk, POWERADE! SEVENTH GENERATION! LIGHT BULBS! CAMPBELL’S SOUP! A NICE PIECE OF SALMON! canned tomatoes, soy sauce, spaghetti, butter.”

Eh, better they leave and be replaced than stay and provide the kind of biased officiating they probably would.

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.

This story has really humped the shark.

About a decade ago, Roger Stone basically told me he’d have me killed if I and a friend didn’t stop poking around some shady email shit he and Michael Caputo were trying to pull (for fun and profit) in NYS. (No joke) So yeah, fuck that asshole.

I wish she’d taken Jerry Seinfeld’s advice and quit showbiz in 1996.

I’m with you here! We just have some serious herbs in this thread arguing that he hit Beal in the nuts. We have a video showing that, you know, that didn’t happen. And considering Draymond’s history (and his, shall we say, polarizing reputation), it’s pretty reasonable to assume that if that did happen, we’d have seen

“Since Draymond has a history of cheap shots, I’m going to argue that’s what started this in spite of providing no evidence whatsoever.”

Yeah, man! Any and all intentional nutshots should be a fine at least. Guys like Draymond and Chris Paul (i.e. repeat offenders) need to be looking at games.

I mean, there are plenty of questionable Draymond plays every season. You don’t have to make one up.

Yeah, except there’s no nutshot here. I mean, unless there’s some film I haven’t seen here. 

I don’t disagree. I’m neither a Draymond fan nor a hater. I think he’s a magnificent player who needs to learn how to control his flailing limbs (I don’t care so much about his mouth - technical fouls handle that). Suspensions for contact are at this point probably warranted.

Now that there’s complete video of the whole incident from multiple angles we can say without a shadow of a doubt that Draymond did not initiate it and that he did not hit Beal in the nuts. This was purely Beal trying to get the auto technicals to get Dray out of the game. It worked even though Dray didn’t swing back