
I wonder this all the time.

I’ll put £10 on Eric or Don Jr being in there given how both are too stupid to keep their mouths shut.

I’ll put £10 on Eric or Don Jr being in there given how both are too stupid to keep their mouths shut.

Gropes women, blatantly lies, loves Russia...


He runs like a six year old who just saw a bee.

It’s not that they are stupid, just racist and open about it.

I’m starting to feel nostalgic for when I only knew Seagal as a hilariously lazy actor and action star who couldn’t do a brisk walk before getting red, sweaty and out of breath.

Univ archivist here: So true. Plus this:

The Pro Wrestling Fan Who Wasted His Time Writing Article About Pro Wrestling Fan Who Wasted The FBI’s Time Claiming He Paid Oswald To Kill JFK

Your comment reminds me of something Larry King said on his show the week after Columbine. He said (paraphrasing) ‘you expect something like this to happen in Harlem’. And with a very solemn tone in his voice, like he didn’t just say some of the most racist shit ever. White people like your boss STILL have the luxury

So....I work in south Florida, and my boss works remotely from Atlanta out of one of our satellite offices. It’s the most ideal set-up, outside of the 5-6 trips she makes down to corporate to check in each year.

Steve Smith WILL punch a baby.

The look on his face is exactly the look of the guy we all know who can’t take any joke at his expense.

Steve Sr. dad strength!

Decent joke, but a bit on the nose

Yes, Irving must have known he’d be s-tartan trouble with those remarks.

I assume squirrels are constantly after Kellyanne.

If Smith really wants to get revenge, he should swap out Irvin’s coke with baby powder next time Irvin is meeting hookers at a motel.