
No. It just means that The Rock is the GenZers version of Will Smith.

You consider 20 months not a baby?!? WTF is wrong with you? My grandfather was already working at Big Great Grandpappy’s Haberdashery when he turned 17 months! Yo kids must be spoiled.

Wrong! The greatest Yankee shortstop was Dale “Boo-Boo” Berra.

Not if you are as rich as Stanton it ain’t.

When Jimmy Haslam ordered Ray Farmer to go talk to Bum about Manziel, Farmer didn’t realize the Bum he was talking about died in 2013.

C’mon bro when giving the option of drafting a dynamic playmaker that you have seen light up the ACC even on a bad team versus drafting a foreign player nobody has even heard of then you gotta do what the Knicks do best. Knicks draft bust; A tradition unlike any other.

What the hell are you talking about? The Big Ragu is far from scrappy. Now this guy right here knows what it takes to be a little scrappy!

I could care less if he’s the white Michael Jordan of Delaware. All I want to know is if he is elite or not?

And this is why Sudarshana Deshappriya became The Last Dragon from Sri Lanka.

I always broke it down as Progressives are the Party of We, whereas Conservatives are the Party of Me.

I just wish Mickleson would stop singing, “Plop! Plop! Fizz! Fizz! Oh what a relief it is.” every time Tiger hits his tee shot into the water.

When asked if it would be ok to have Rick Pitino replace Dan Hurley as mens basketball coach URI president David Dooley’s anger went from a 9 to 11 almost immediately.

Great win for Notre Dame, but my Gawd Geno blew that game. Why the hell did he decide tonight would be the night to run Dean Smith’s 4 corners offense when his team was repeatedly down late in the 4th quarter and overtime?

I so want to see Ron Artest become a ref just for the spectacle of will he, won’t he forget he’s reffing a game and just start launching shots up anytime the ball comes near him.

One thing is for certain, nobody will ever call Bill Kennedy a bitch-ass motherfucker. Bitch-ass maybe, but definitely not motherfucker.

So wait, after all this time the ancient Chinese secret was to use a damn blowdryer to prep your food first!?! Then why the hell have I been wasting my time using Calgon detergent for anyway?

I co-sign everything you just said. I was reading about this incident on another website and the writer seemed to go out of his way to state repeatedly that these kids were all adopted from miserable conditions and however brief their lives may have been at least these 2 white women were able to provide them with a

Oh there is a solution to a bad landlord. The Tyrone Green solution.

Was only joking since Michael basically outright stole that beat from Hall & Oates. One of the many reasons Quincy Jones has gone on record to state how much he never really liked “Billie Jean”.