
It can only happen to the Mets that only just a few years ago they had what was looking like a promising Dream Team starting rotation that has now been decimated to the point where Wheeler has fallen off so badly that he is being sent down to the Minors, Harvey is looking more like a washed up Tim Lincecum than an ace

You couldn’t be more wrong about “Billie Jean” if you tried. The song that matches what you are trying to talk about is Hall & Oates, “I Can’t Go For That.”. Damn music nerds gotta ruin everything.

But even when Dems show Jesus like compassion (Turn the other cheek) The republicans then label Dems weak and soft. So no matter what a Dem does a republican will always go against it now matter which direction they turn.

I used to think that the television show Our Cartoon President was a satire of our current administration but now it seems quite evident that it’s actually a live documentary. Sheesh how low can the buffoon go?

Former team President Mike Dee got no respect. Wins and a chip was what the Padres expect so Ron Burgundy ran that fool out of eine Wale Vagina on the back of Paul Revere faster than Marty Schottenheimer could choke away a playoff victory.

Yes I am quite the fool, but not everyone rushes up to you to show you how much of a damn racist that they truly are. The problem with most racist is that they don’t even realize that they are one until you shove their own words back in their faces and make them realize what they actually believe in and even with that

I have Barry Switzer on hold calling from a Norman, Oklahoma area code.

So in a country that uses sex to sell everything. Where 1st person shooting games are sold and marketed to teens. Where children have full access to hardcore porn whenever the urge strikes them you are trying to tell me that parents would freak out over a violent and adult themed cartoon designed for adults?

I worked with a vile, racist South Afrikaner in Santa Barbara who absolutely hated Africans and blamed all of South Africa’s woes on, “The lazy kaffirs that refuse to work and just love to steal from whites!”

“You know it’s crazy enough that it just might work.”

This dude is not going to age well.

The greatness of Prince is no matter how many times I play his music I keep finding new gems that I somehow never noticed before. To say that man was a musical genius is the biggest understatement of all time. Even Music Gawd still doesn’t seem voluminous enough to capture his grand he truly was.

I’m old now more than ever thanks to the current POTUS so I get confused a lot. Is this the clown that has a child rape case over his head or is he the idiot that can’t stop beating women? Now that I think about it, who gives a shit cuz if you played either of their music I wouldn’t be able to decipher who was who

Can we please do a moratorium on getting accepted into Ivy’s as being notably praiseworthy. Harvard has an endowment that is over $35 billion and has the damn nerve to still charge students to attend and besides this is the university that opened it’s doors for notable intellectual pygmies George W. Bush & Jared

You sure about that Hoss? Well clearly you never took a shit at my elementary school then.

“Coleman, now 49, was the belle of the press on Monday when he returned to his old job as a groundskeeper for the Chicago White Sox”

May I add 2 more “Don’t give a Fooks” to your list?

Did anybody else get a Narrator/Tyler Durden, Mr. Robot vibe with Hader/Stephen Root characters?’s just me.... and this guy over here that tells me what to do and nobody seems to see him either Mr. Pippenstuffin.

DJT: “Who are you blondie? Don’t touch me...move outta the way you’re blocking my view of Ivanka. Oooh look at Ivanka’s tittie meat...err, cleavage. Why are you so covered up lady?”

“last year he started he was absolutely awful.”