
Uh, hello! We helped create this situation by holding Ghostbusters, a summer popcorn movie, up as some kind of litmus test for women in movies. We aren't dumb, people. But we fell into a trap here. A cynical movie producer sitting in his gold office couldn't have come up with a better scenario for setting women back.

Here here

100 million marketing + 144 million budget - 50 % take for theaters = Sony should have made a better movie. I love these actresses but not. A huge Paul Feig fan.

Yeah they blitzed the marketing on this so people are guessing / theorizing 100 million on marketing +144 million budget - 50 percent take for theaters (variable) = empty pockets for Sony Pictures

Oh my god Kristen Schaal as ghostbuster would have been amazing. I agree poor casting decisions were made

This sucks because those actresses are great. ComicBookGirl19 over on Youtue did a brilliant analysis of what happened to this movie. Recommended. It'll make you angry but I'm a good way