Reyn Yonashiro

@Daniel Brierton: I've been hearing good things about GOLauncher. It looks to be something of a hybrid between ADW and LP in many regards.

@blash: Security through obscurity won't stop dedicated attackers. It's more to stop the random wannabe terrorists that want to make a name for themselves.

@muppethead: To be fair, Symbian is technically #1.

This commercial is great. I seriously considered buying the Nexus S. Luckily I came out of the spell when I realized that dual core phones are coming out in the beginning of next year.

@mullingitover: I'll repeat. Gates was responding to the fears of the USA's reputation abroad being tarnished by the embarrassingly candid diplomatic cables. This is not about the USA's reputation; this is about national security.

@MaxPoint: Actually, that's a pretty good idea. Euros must be effortlessly easy to sort.

@mullingitover: Gates was unconcerned about the release of the diplomatic, not this.

That's right, Hawaii gets a TV show. Suck it, continental USA.

@Whitson Gordon: That's because Android is less locked down than iOS. When you jailbreak iOS, you get access to a plethora of customizations, tweaks, and tools. But Android has a lot of those functions already, so it's not necessary to root it.

That would be an interesting idea.

At first I was going to dismiss this as a silly, overdramatized announcement from a Creationist misinformation group. Then I heard about the dinosaur part.

It''s like a million Android fanboys cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

@Y2KGTP: :') they grow up so fast!

@leadingZer0: Nonsense! Time and time again, studies show that Apple fanboyism is universal. Every infant in every culture that's been analyzed shows signs of progression tending towards Apple products. This quilt simply reinforces that mantra.

@cpt0bvius: That goddamn TSA, we should just get rid of the whole agency and...


@clearbox: I used to have that problem. Turned out that my Nexus One's battery was way too small. Bought a double capacity battery, so now my battery lasts a good 12 hour shift.

I did not realize that it was possible to be angry that people were saved from starvation.

And then Canada's noise pollution levels sky-rocket.