
Welcome to The New* Normal.

"Or maybe when they saw that Walken was playing Hook as a fey narcoleptic. It's one thing to steal Johnny Depp's schtick, but it's another to snore your way through it."

"In the name of The Kirby, the Lee, and your Everlivin', Everlovin' Thing*…"

Sgt. Schultz tweeted: "I know NUTZING! *NUTZING!!!*"

Put *THAT* on a T-shirt and sell it!

Figment Newtons?

Yeah, the whole "God will bring me home!" and "900-foot Jesus" thing were what sent me on my first steps away from the whole Christianity thing. (I was never particularly enthusiastic about it in the first place, but i was at least something like a nominal believer.) The Jim-and-Tammy thing were what made me start

Okay, gotcha.

"I have the feeling if He-Man and She-ra were both announced for adaptation, complaints about He-Man would be treated like idiocy, and complaints about She-Ra would be treated like political activism."

High adventure that's beyond compare!
They are the Gummi Bears!
They are the Gummi Bears!

I have an idea for an Alternate History where Germany doesn't enter WWi because a smarter General Hindenburg realizes that his country's position in a war would ultimately be untenable and he deposes the Kaiser in a coup and refuses to honor the Alliance with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. (This is actually background

Yes. This. So, *SO* this. If I, as an animation/anime fan, am going to spend my rather limited discretionary income on a movie, then I want it to be something *worth spending that money on!* I want a movie that's going to *engage* me and spark my imagination, not bore me to tears. I'm willing to watch a movie with a

I can't hear what you did there!

"(…)Agent Grunts O'Gutpunch(…)"

I kinda prefer Tim DeKay. He may not have Bomer's looks; and, admittedly, he's a bit on the workman-like side as an actor; but he's held his own beside Bomer during the show's run so far and i'll be interested to see what future projects he lands in.