
The hairstyle the robot twins use is a Russian Braid, a common hairstyle. Whomever happens to have that same hairstyle is pure coincidence. If a Nazi character had brown hair with a slight curl people would be like “You know who also had brown hair with a slight curl? Joseph Mengele.Anyone getting angry over this

Its a game. Calm down. Its not in “concrete terms” used to kill Ukrainians.

I got this in my like 3rd try. I scored the 6 bullseyes and then the 1 point slice. Not really that hard to do.

Nah, a lot of these people are great actors. This is a poorly written “article” that’s just your opinion with no explanation or basis as to why these actors are “bad”.

PeachyBoo / Boosette > Bowsette

people will complain about everything. Everyone nowadays gets too easily offended and label things as sexist, racist, etc when there is not cause for it if you just expand your minds and stop thinking so black and white.

What a coincidence that my favorite champs/heroes are the ones that are always nerfed, while the most annoying heroes are always buffed. Incoming Junkrat, Roadhog buffs.

Tell that to Riot games. Yasuo’s windwall blocks all sorts of ults. Also it’s difficult to reflect a Hanzo ult. You have to be extremely close to Hanzo as he is ulting because its a regular arrow at a certain distance.