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Here, have a really great song about lying and coming out of the closet.

I pretty much consider myself agnosticy-atheist*, but it's times like these where I hope I'm absolutely dead wrong and that there's actually a god who happens to be a fellow Jalop, who will delight in sending to a reserved corner of hell people who commit these types of atrocities to otherwise collectible vehicles.

Christmas decorating my car is always one of my favorite things to do!

I don't know, guys. I'm kinda thinking the whole 'my wife is making me sell it because it's too fast' is a bit far-fetched and more like bait than anything else.


Isn't this like being in a parked car and having the car beside you back out, leaving you with the feeling that you're actually drifting forward so you slam on the brakes to no avail?

Obviously Curiosity found a Mayan calendar pointing to the date when civilization ended there too. Unfortunately, there is too little time left here on Earth for the scientists to reach a 5-sigma certainty before we meet our own demise. So I guess we'll all die never knowing what they know.

Thats ok. I'll volunteer my garage if someone gives it to you.

I was hoping you were kidding! :)


Dear Apple:

Your 'Mistaken' Educator might very well be responsible for the graphic up there, because Earth is actually third out from the sun, not fourth.

Yeah, but she's in front of a green screen, she really can't see what she's pointing at.


"His Wall Street executive wouldn't be a Wall Street executive without a requisite level of intelligence."

Actually, planes are designed with Pinto Theory in mind. You'll probably survive intact for a simple belly landing, but otherwise you and your fellow passengers are cheaper dead. The last thing an airline wants (obviously besides a crash) is to have the extended life supporting medical bills of 250+ passengers who

And it's not just toast!

I'd rather Ms. Trammel's white one, but this is still a NP in my book.

Why is Earth's orbit beyond Mars?
