
fair comment. I think it speaks to editing more than anything, if they'd wanted her to be bottom of the episode, they would probably have played it up, but they ignored it, even though (to me) it stuck out really obviously. It's probably weird that it bothers me so much haha I can't even rewatch it ha

I straight up couldn't deal with how out of time she was in Les Chicken Wings. she missed the beat in her section, I can't believe it was never mentioned

i don't know how mature you were at 25, but obviously far more than me ha ha I think that moment of inner peace takes time to develop in 20 somethings

virtual fist bump!

YES. i had to google the character, and before even hitting play on the video all i could think was "oh no". especially after her performance in RuCo's empire. this might be a delightfully cringeworthy trainwreck

i just googled her snatch game character. it appears she's a white girl, that plays a black (i guess?) hairdresser at her "ghetto" hair salon. I really hope that was a mistake on the wiki…

ditto to all of the above. going to my psych today actually, i think in the middle of crying last night i told my husband that i just want to eat and watch drag race haha

i have so far only seen untucked and not the actual episode, so maybe i missed some context about that whole interrupting on stage incident, but to leave Chi Chi some things after that heated exchange, and then losing to her in the lipsync brought a tear to my eye!

i hate to admit that i'm eating my words after saying nothing could redeem her to me after the Trixie comments, but after between this week's Untucked and the Cynthia thing, and as someone who was diagnosed bipolar II and ADHD as an adult and suddenly realised why i always struggled not to piss people off, I will

we get Judge Rinder in Australia, I'm studying contract law this semester so i like to watch to get me in the mood to study haha I do love me a sassy judge!

Senior14 makes a good point though, HIV is not a death sentence anymore, and it's a pretty damaging myth to be perpetuating. I would be disappointed if the show took that route. alternatively, if it showed a more modern and realistic depiction maybe that could be interesting

if he was so hell bent on addressing the racist thing, maybe it would have gone over better if it was more in a context of "i found the racist bent of it pretty uncomfortable, but i'm interested in how other viewers, particularly POC interpreted it", rather than basically make it the central focus of the review.

did you blush as much as Naysha? because that was *adorable*

the Acid Betty bitchfest was especially awful coming from someone who is herself going for such a specific look, to be so far up your own ass that you can't appreciate the same thing you do in someone else rates pretty low on my likeability scale

I don't think the world's most jaw dropping backstory reveal could redeem Betty to me after that.
on the flip side, huge props to Kim Chi, who when she walked away saying she needed a tissue was probably being diplomatic about saying i will tear your face off if I have to listen to this any longer, and Derrick, who I

ditto. Australian cable isn't even bothering with this season. last season we were two weekends behind, but not a peep about season 8

i can't remember if it was in these comments or from last week, but even if Kim Chi's performance skills aren't amazing, she *has* to be given massive props for taking direction and doing *something* with it, i don't think she turned it out as much as last week in terms of taking something she was clearly terrible at

I always want to comment on this, but being in Australia it always seems pointless because I don't see the episodes until days later, but it hasn't been brought up so I have to say it! I am dying for some kind of bianca/adore/cinch moment where bob lends chi chi an amazing gown, or lace front wig or some such thing,