
You know, im a little dissapointed, i had expected in the very least a Bel Air reference in that "press release".

Whats the problem? Thats what it looks like to me. I was refering to "Slothboy"'s comment above mine.

In turn, i feel exactly the same way whenever someones shows me a video capture of a world of warcraft raid. "oh shit dude check out this epic battle dude its so awesome". Right, a character jumping all over the place with numbers flying everywhere, graphics so bad you cant make anything out, the camera turning so

Dont know about you guys, but i havent heard anything about a european release of The Last Story. Cant find anything about that either.

"to discuss possible free-to-play game deals,", about freaking time i say. They have hinted at these possibilites since xbox live's inception back in 01/02.

And yet, they are all made in the same factory.

You know, you could actually make better comparison vids than this, like the end boss for each game is an obvious one.

The music when "piloting"? the man cannon totally had me. It was a day-1 purchase to me before, now im going to go out the door down to my local gamestop, and pre-order the largest edition available.


Why? Its the same at every god damn E3. Its been over 10 years since i learned of E3, and ive seen people do this every time! "hurrduurr can you answer question X about game Y? huurrr, look she doesnt know anything she just there to look pretty durrr".

" island lane narrowing..." we got that shit all over the place here i denmark, with added speed bumps and "round-a-bouts". Almost like seeing a straight road is something to be excited about. (doesnt help its a car-hating country to boot)

I dont remember the E3 conference Jamie Kennedy hosted, but my god was "Mr. Caffeine" the worst host ever bar-none. If i was a boss of some sort for Ubisoft, heads would have rolled after that performance.

"Revenge of the Jedi", see now THATS the twist ive been waiting to hear from infinity. (Not that its about jedi's, but what looks to be time travel and "planewalking")

"...including keyboard remapping...", its sad to think that something so standard, has now become a feature worth mentioning in press releases.

I guess my post was written in a haste, but i was also counting the games links things, as ads as well. Especially the "spotlight" that the xbox starts up with annoys me to no end. And the games in the "spotlight" are more or less ads as well as its the game publishers that pays microsoft money to have their games

FYI, not all readers and commentors here hail from the US. An xbox 360 250gb costs 423$ where i live.

"Of course that's not true." Uh, yes it is! Just turn on your xbox right now, and count how many menu items are related to advertizing for something, and how many are related to the console itself. So not only that, you BUY the console, you BUT the games, you BUY a subscription to play online and STILL you get ads

buy it for xbox. thats what i play now.

I sure am glad that i can visit a japanese inspired videogame blog to read about Lady Gaga.

Nope, not as long Gawker turned into a tabloid this past year and every sister site tries to make as many articles as possible so they can in turn pump up the number of ad-clicks.