
Im a great fan of jackass and all of their members, and it saddens me greatly that Ryan Dunn has died. R.I.P.

I for one will not miss it, ive never ever used it all these years, and never saw the point in it personally. (though im sure someone must have used it)

This isnt blade runner'ish at all. Still cool though.

There actually is a way to get around this, and hopefully 4J Studios are clever enough to utilize this.

How to make the xbox 360 sell like hot tofu in japan:

Advice Crecente? Fucking saved for later use.

This should have been an actual part of that level.

Best controller ever made. Seriously, it felt tailor made the first time i got my hands on it. Fucking love it, and it saddened me greatly when they discontinued it.

I can imagine how mindblowing this must have been back then.

Looks like microsoft just found their hardware quality tester.

Thats not parkour bro.

I hope with this delay they will utilize the now increased storage capacity of the xbox 360 dvd's, since carmarck complained about their game had trouble fitting on the dvd's and that they had to cut corners to make it fit.

Its funny, that added LAN functionality to multiplayer makes you go "woah!" these days. It has become so rare.

cant unsee!

Nope. I was thinking about the Fable 2 trailer.

Not Metro UI enough, they should have gone the whole way. Oh well, its miles better than the current dashboard, heck anything is better.

What have they done to his helmet!? It looks even worse than the original. Reach (or was it ODST? cant remember) had the original spartan retro spartan helmet, why not use that? why make an entirely different one, that looks like none other? makes no sense.

I just want to say its freaking awesome to get Michael J Fox on the last episode, perfect way to send the series off.

Oh man, dont mention descent, those games were my LIFE! Seriously, like i was obsessed by them, so obsessed i even worried my parents.

Dont forget that its built like a tank. Its EXTREMELY durable, it truly is a freaking tank, a lump of hard plastic that never breaks.