
You will never know a cute japanese girl in a maid outfit who knows her way around a soldering iron ;_;

Why did i just watch a girl in a maid uniform tinker with a furby for 10 minutes? Life's mysteries...

haha ok i laughed, and its pretty much the truth.

Wait, how did i end up in Jezebel?

Great, making an already bad design even worse.

inb4 EU puts their foot in the door.

Common sense is a good thing, too bad so many people lack it. I have worked at everything from gamestop to world wide corparations so ive tried a thing or two. That s why i can totally relate to your post and regardless of how to twist and bend it, it IS the truth. Instead of going against it, its easier accepting the

Ive said it many times before here, and i will say it again and keep saying it:

Thank you Michael, you just made me remember the first time i played Unreal 1 (and quake 2 for that matter). Now i will go sit in the corner and sob, knowing i will never relive that experience ever again.

"...that when killed, reappears and eats the dead remains."

Hahahahaa oh wow! I havent laughed that much from a vgcats comic in a long time. Besides, i dont think kotaku thought that the punchline was very good.

Sounds like someone never downloaded porn during the 28k/56k modem days.

Thought the same thing.

Its great and all, and i dont understand why they are porting their games to the 360 this late. Either way, i honestly think they should step back a back because they have many balls in the air on the same time. Many of their games could have needed a great deal of polish, something they could have dedicated more time

Trust me, it wont be much prettier on a faster system.

I just want to know what exactly makes this watch so special? Out of all the digital watches in the world, how can this contribute to making bombs?

I thought the same thing. Well, cant say for sure until we see some prototypes, maybe the laser burns off anything that comes into contact with it before it sets.

Dont forget the "Grind Autopilot" button!

If it was a joke, then i do apoligize. I just have a raging fever and it propably got the best of me.

Wow, what a compliment, and from a starred user as well! Boy do i feel privileged from such an honor.